Burgers for Booton!


Orbiting Earth
Our own Charley Booton just turned 60! He's doing a victory tour and will be making a stop at BAC publishing HQ in Waynesboro, VA (Hometown of the Newsletter Editor) Alan White will host a cookout in Charley's honor at his hanger at W13 on Sunday, May 17th at 3pm. We will have burgers and all the fixins.' It will be held outside and Virginia will be opening up for outside dining this weekend so we are in no danger of being carted away by the local militia! There's plenty of space so you should still be able to social distance. Please let me know if you are coming so I can plan on having enough food! We've all been wanting to get out and go somewhere so now's you're chance!
We had a great time even if it was a small group (<10!) Since it was a celebration of Charley's birthday, of course Charley showed up and since I was putting it all together, I showed up and even convinced my wife Deedra to come with some homemade baked beans! Pres John Persinger rode his Harley from northern VA. Weather wasn't that great so we had to cut him some slack. I also had a couple Rex and Ann Buel who are Corvair friends came over. We had burgers with all the fixin's, chips, beans, snacks and since no one was flying, a few amber beverages as well. Don't forget the cake! I put all 60 candles on it and had to use a blow torch to light it! Yes, Pictures are coming!
Scenes from the bonfire...er...I mean...Burgers for Booton!


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When I was 19 I worked in a shop where there were 4 of us whose birthdays were within a 3 day span ( I was the youngest). So we had a party with one cake with candles for each year for all four of us. It looked a lot like Charley's.

Looks like it was fun.
Sunday, at home near Boston, I ate a burger in honor of Charlie Booton.
Welcome to the 60's Charlie. You've got a way to go to catch up to me and Bob Smidt (pushing 80).
Don Mason is way ahead of all of us (already 80).
Tom Corcoran
So looks like club is getting a few new members into the flying Octarian club ( if I spelt that right)
Good reason for a party
Sunday, at home near Boston, I ate a burger in honor of Charlie Booton.
Welcome to the 60's Charlie. You've got a way to go to catch up to me and Bob Smidt (pushing 80).
Don Mason is way ahead of all of us (already 80).
Tom Corcoran

Ouch, Tom! I have two years to go.....
A cake inside a hangar with many, many candles and what appears to be a flammable liquid poured on them. Hold my beer, watch this?? Kinda glad I missed it.

Happy Birthday, Bro.
