Beech Party 2022 - Tullahoma, TN

Jeff arrived one hour ago - - - now at 3 Musketeer dudes !  Dude.


Sparkie - - - museum understood that we may fly.  And ... they needed some interior room for this event.  Record number of registered this year, so expecting many many persons.


Thanks for the follow up Trumpet... That makes since... If it is flown, that would be a great thing!.. Would love to see some Pics or a Video!
A gorgeous day here today ... and many newest bestest friends.


Here is John R's camping area (and plane) in the first few frames of the movie.

And a once-in-a-lifetime treat ...

Photos taken during my ride invitation on the museum's BeechIMG_9559-2.JPG 18.  Smiling so much my face hurt ....

Trumpet_Nelson said
Yesterday afternoon - - - - - 

Tried to get a good photo of 3Z, but all of these people got in the way .......



Thanks for Sharing, Excellent picture....

So many trying to Jump into a great Picture... [img title="Laugh" alt="Laugh" /][/img][img title="Laugh" alt="Laugh" /][/img]
Arrived San Antonio yesterday afternoon, no issues.

The (very major) storm system blocked my usual route, so I planned a jog south to Mississippi to Raymond (JVW) instead of my original plan to Arkansas for fuel.  Within minutes after lift-off is was apparent I had made a good decision.  The storm system stayed at my 3 o'clock the entire way home, from 20 to 50 miles away.  Looked pretty darn ugly ... and large.  The commercial guys were requesting deviations almost the entire trip home.  I finally cleared the western "foot" of the storm at Austin.

JVW is a recommended stop.  Gorgeous new and spotlessly clean facility at the airport.  SS fuel worked well and a good thrifty price.

Also found a great country western AM radio station in Mississippi and was treated to Johnnie Cash "Six Days on the Road And I'm Gonna Make It Home Tonight".  Sweet!

Thanks to all for the great times in Tullahoma.  Next year I will attempt to get my "hospitality trailer" closer to the event.  Also looking forward to more bicycle donut runs in the morning to that great donut shop.




Trumpet_Nelson, Glad you made it back safely and I see someone else sees the side advantage of an ADF... Working in the Airline Industry, I saw a lot of flight deviations and a couple diverting for fuel... Glad you had a good time and a good flight.
Swapping stories (all true, I am sure) at the BAC "hospitality trailer" ...... good times!

Hope to see more of you next year.  That's my motorized folding bike I used to make donut runs in the mornings.  I found a great donut shop during the 2021 event, so expect the same in 2023! 



