Beech Party 2022 - Tullahoma, TN


Staff member

Registration is now open for Beech Party 2022 in Tullahoma, TN on 12-15 October 2022!
This is the showcase event for the Beechcraft Heritage Museum and is one of the greatest fall aviation events anywhere.

The Beech Aero Club is a Divisional Member of the museum.  We sponsor and participate in this event on an annual basis.
This is also the home of N2303Z, the Beech Aero Club's beloved "3Z" which is on display in the museum.

You can register at this link:

Early Registration at a reduced rate lasts until 31 Aug 2022
Be sure to indicate that you are a Beech Aero Club member for your reduced (Aviation Affiliated) registration fee
If you are also a member of the Beechcraft Heritage Museum, you get additional savings (Museum Member) on your registration.
It's win/win all around.

Cancellation Policy: Cancellations must be received by 25 September, 2022 for a full refund. There will be NO refunds available after this date.

I look forward to seeing you at Beech Party 2022 this year!
Jeff Knight said
Check the link for all the details. 
That is one that I really want to go to... Not sure if I can pull it off or not.. How late can you wait to sign up for it?
John, Beech Party is an annual event hosted by the museum and open to anyone that wants to attend. So you can register with them right up till their cutoff date. The problem will be getting a hotel room. So if you wait too long you'll be camping next to your plane.
Registrations are going strong for Beech Party 2022 at the Beechcraft Heritage Museum in Tullahoma, Tennessee.  Even if you are remotely thinking about attending this year, don't be disappointed and register now.  You have until 25 September 2022 to cancel and get a full refund. Hope to see you there.

In 2021 we congregated at the Holiday Inn Express.  Have you selected a "suggested hotel" for our BAC membership.  The breakfast bar visiting was half the fun!  I plan to make my hotel reservations soon.

Hope to see you there,

Nelson Amen (trumpet)


The HI Express in Tullahoma is sold out.  We reserved a room in the HI Express in Manchester TN, about 11 or so miles away.  We are also contemplating camping instead!  Things have gotten very expensive.
Just a reminder that 31 Aug 2022 is the last day to register for Beech Party 2022 at the discounted rate. Details are in post #1
I have my camping spot reserved.  Planning a Tuesday arrival and a Sunday departure.  With trumpet and folding bicycle.

Hope to see some of you there ....


Nelson AmenDsc06297.jpg
Apologize ahead of time if I haven't seen it, but do we have a daily schedule of events?  Was BAC intending on a private gathering (lunch/dinner)?  I have Friday and Saturday passes only and registered for the museum dinners those two nights.  Plus I'm probably staying in a BNB nearby (?) so would like to consider travel time to/from events.
Charles Booton said
Apologize ahead of time if I haven't seen it, but do we have a daily schedule of events?  Was BAC intending on a private gathering (lunch/dinner)?
Here is the daily agenda.

No specific BAC member lunch/dinner is planned, but that does not preclude us from forming together as a group during the regularly scheduled Beech Party lunches and dinners along with those mouse drivers who may not yet be members. It is hoped that by welcoming all  those who fly Baby Beech aircraft to join together with us and socialize throughout the week that we will not only make them wiser and safer owners, but also members of the Beech Aero Club. 

See you in Tullahoma!
As we get closer to his event, it would probably help to form a list of those attending so we can find each other when we get there. If you are attending, please drop me a note at and I will add you to the list. See you at Beech Party!


Jeff Knight 

Bob Prange

Nelson Amen

John Redmon

Greg Johnson

Mike Koenig

Charley Booton - Fri, Sat
Thanks Jeff...know the museum's schedule, but didn't know about if a BAC-specific schedule was planned...will just play by ear...we plan to arrive on Thurs 13 Oct and depart 16 Oct.

We're staying in Dechard, TN...about 30 minutes south on 41A at a VRBO property...real nice.  Will be driving and bringing our little fuzzy girl Bella.
I have been registered to attend Beech Party since August 8th to beat the price increase.  I will be camping by my plane.  I plan to arrive on Wednesday and depart on Sunday.
I plan to arrive Tuesday (Oct 11th) and depart on Sunday.

I wimped-out on the tent camping and - - -  I am having this set up in the camping area   -  2011 Palomino Puma 31-DBSS specs and literature guide (

... maybe packing my Honda generator as well .....

John R. - - - if it decides to rain during the event, feel free to set up under the awning on Wednesday.  Might be a great place to keep out of the wet, assuming the mud doesn't take over.   I will pack some aviation movies ....

Others attending - - - this can be our on-site BAC hospitality room if needed.  Look for the BAC sign.  Leave your shoes outside. Bring your favorite beverages.  I will pack some snacks.

trumpet nelson




Hi - Went to register, is it really $329 for the 3 days and meals?? I may be coming commercial this year.  Mike Koenig
Mike - - yep.  Big bucks .... consider it a donation to help the museum  ..... and .... makes you realize what a GREAT deal our annual BACFest has become.

Hope to see you there,

trumpet nelson


Photos from yesterday - - two arrivals of the BAC membership so far  (2:00 pm - Prange and 3:30 pm - trumpet)

BAC "hospitality room" is set up about 200 yards east of 3Z.  Hope to see you here !

