AOPA Regional Fly-In - Indianapolis, IN (KMQJ) - Saturday, May 31, 2014

your sport should cruise about the same as my Musketeer, I shoot for about 1 hr for every 100 nm. its 183nm from GR Mi so a little less than 2hr flight time less winds and any traffic in the area.
your sport should cruise about the same as my Musketeer, I shoot for about 1 hr for every 100 nm. its 183nm from GR Mi so a little less than 2hr flight time less winds and any traffic in the area.

I flight plan for 100kts also and planned for a two hour flight. What I was trying to ask and failed, is 8:30 early enough to arrive?
I knew what you meant Roland. I don't know what to tell you. Other than I will be going out to the airport early myself. I will be out at the hangar probably around 7:00am. I'll set up some chairs and have refreshments for those early arrivals that want to come by before the event kicks off.
I still plan on coming, the weather forecast seems to be ok. The only hitch might be ground fog shutting down my airport sat morning. I am planning to get there around 7ish.
Looking forward to seeing you Steve. EAA's B-17 Aluminum Overcast arrived yesterday. I am volunteering tomorrow afternoon to help out with the event.
Won't be there at 7, but hoping before 8:30. If they start diverting to the overflow airport, I am not sure what I will do…
I knew what you meant Roland. I don't know what to tell you. Other than I will be going out to the airport early myself. I will be out at the hangar probably around 7:00am. I'll set up some chairs and have refreshments for those early arrivals that want to come by before the event kicks off.

Steve- hope to be there at 8:30. Will wear my BAC t-shirt!!!
We had excellent weather this past weekend. In attendance were Nick Boland, Steve Powers, John Redmon, Roland Ashby and his guest Steve Kenyon. Roland flew his Musketeer Sport and Steve his Musketeer. John's Sierra is based at KMQJ.

As promised Nick cooked breakfast.


Pictured are Roland Ashby, Steve Powers, and John Redmon in front of Roland's Musketeer Sport.


Fly-ins are great opportunities to share information.
We also had David Hast fly-in in his Sierra from Michigan, however we were not able to connect up with him. He got sent to the reliever airport and took the shuttle bus. Hopefully we can welcome him to a future fly-in!