3 State Challenge


Orbiting Earth
BAC has long had the "Three State Challenge". Which, when completed, gets you a certificate proving your skill.
On Friday July 31, 2020 there will be a BAC fly-in at Groton, Connecticut (KGON) posted for 2pm. This is the official get-together part of the event. We will assemble at Mystic Jet Center for a short meet and greet. After that we begin the airport hops to satisfy the challenge. From Groton we go to Fishers Island, New York (OB and land at Elizabeth Airport. Once everyone has arrived we depart again for Westerly, Rhode Island (KWST). Upon landing there pat yourself on the back. You're done. This is the only place in the USA where you can do 3 states in only 17 miles landing at public use airports.

Though you can complete the challenge anytime, this is the first BAC organized effort. And, it is being held on a Friday afternoon. After Westerly, some pilots have already said they are flying to Martha's Vineyard which puts you in a fourth state, Massachusetts. There are three airport choices on the island there; the main airport (KMVY), Katama Airpark (1B1) and Trade Wind a 2,200' grass strip that at which you'll need permission to land. http://mvlandbank.com/Landing_at_Trade_Wind.shtml

Before it gets dark a hop to Nantucket might be in order for the adventurous.

Things to remember:
1) Arrive at KGON at 2pm and you've gotten full credit for being at the fly-in.
2) Do the challenge only if flying over water and landing on short runways is comfortable for you.
3) Martha's Vineyard is optional as is Nantucket.
4) Your schedule might mean you arrive at Groton at 2pm after you've done all the other stuff.

This is VFR only. Landing fees, if any, will be reimbursed by the Beech Aero Club.

Organizer is Dr. Alan White from Virginia. dralwhite@yahoo.com
Local contact is Tom Corcoran from Boston. 781 843-4321 mediareps@aol.com
I know what the date of my last BFR was, but what do they want for the "number"? Like the 10th one since I got my license? That seems weird.
If you land in NY, wont you have to quarantine for 14 days? That would make the "all in one day" challenge...challenging.
I was thinking about going to NY yesterday. My preliminary search showed it's only visitors from certain states, and it depends on the prevalence of WuFlu in the states, so it's subject to constant change. As well as I could tell, it doesn't apply to people from Maryland coming to NY.
There are a few more states than just those, but even so, unless you got sick in the state and had to be taken to the hospital, who would know. You also only have to quarantine from those states for the time you are in the state up until 14 days. You can come and then leave at will. I would just stay away from crowds if you are from one of the states in question. California, Texas and North Carolina I believe are at least some of the others.
Cuomo said that he was putting officials "at the airports". I assume that's the Bravos. But "Karens" are everywhere.
I think that's only for Fl & AZ at this time.

I was sort of joking. (The travel ban covers about 10 states currently, I believe. North Carolina is one of them as I was planning to take a vacation up to Niagara Falls but turns out, we cant.)

There are exemptions for short term transitory transportation activities. However, you might be able to leave any of the airports you land at if you were going to go to a resturant.
Cuomo said that he was putting officials "at the airports". I assume that's the Bravos. But "Karens" are everywhere.

NY has turned their population into ratfinks... they even have a special form to report a business or neighbor that is violating the "rules"
I was sort of joking. (The travel ban covers about 10 states currently, I believe. North Carolina is one of them as I was planning to take a vacation up to Niagara Falls but turns out, we cant.)

There are exemptions for short term transitory transportation activities. However, you might be able to leave any of the airports you land at if you were going to go to a resturant.

At no time will we be leaving the airport at either this lunch fly-in (The cafe is on the field) or during the 3-state challenge or Martha's Vineyard (Restaurant on the field) Shouldn't be any issues.
As of a few weeks ago Fisher's Island has started collecting $20 landing fees for our size planes.

If you do the 3 State Challenge as part of the Groton, Connecticut fly-in, Beech Aero Club will pay the landings fees incurred.
Same goes for the Katama, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts fly-in the next day.

Tom Corcoran


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I have listed this on Social Flight as well so you might qualify that as BAC members only.

As of a few weeks ago Fisher's Island has started collecting $20 landing fees for our size planes.

If you do the 3 State Challenge as part of the Groton, Connecticut fly-in, Beech Aero Club will pay the landings fees incurred.
Same goes for the Katama, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts fly-in the next day.

Tom Corcoran
Dr. Alan White,

Thank you for being a wonderful Deputy Assistant Associate Vice Junior Regional Director for Northeast.
I will put you in charge of verifying membership cards to validate BAC status.
Note: Only I will have my membership card as none were issued after 2004 when I got mine.

So BACers, those going to KGON or 1B2 should make friends with Alan. He is the one who complicated this.
Don't worry though. I will come to your rescue.

Sounds like a fun event. Eh?

Tom Corcoran
It will be a lot more fun if the nudist beach was involved in the whole enchilada...

Just saying'
If you show up in Connecticut I will try to accommodate your request.
It will probably include the line guy at Mystic Jet Port. His name in Bubba.
Note: Only I will have my membership card as none were issued after 2004 when I got mine.

Tom Corcoran

Tom, was your pilot certificate signed by Wilbur or Orville? :D

If the weather is bad on the 31st on the coast come to Danielson LZD we have a grass strip that just got rolled. no landed fee 2700ft