Watch the Blue Angels at Indianapolis Regional (MQJ) on May 15th


Around The Moon
The Blue Angels will be headlining the Indianapolis Airshow on May 14 and 15. This is John Redmon's home airport and he will be at his hangar with his grill at the ready on Sunday, May 15th (He'll actually be there on Saturday, too). John is inviting all BAC members and guests to join him to watch the airshow from the comfort of his hangar and share his grill. You will have to bring your own food, drink and folding chairs. John's hangar number is 507-10 and his cell is (317)626-2583. Call him if you need help finding the hangar, which John says is accessible from the air show grounds. Feel free to wander over any time, but the grill won't be hot until around 11:00.

The Air Show web site is
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Weather in Wisconsin forecast to be lousy on Sunday, so doesn't look like I'm gonna make it. John says he has extra brats, so if anyone shows they won't leave hungry!!
Yesterday was Media out at the airport. Several performers appeared along with the Blue Angels. The day was topped off with tethered ballon rides and Monte Carlo Night. I will be out at the airport today in addition to the fly-in tomorrow. If you stop by hangar 507-10 around noon today I will have the grill on. By 11:00 tomorrow for the fly-in. I will have Brats, chips, cookies, and refreshments for those that come out. I do have some folding chairs as well.

Directions: Below is a link to the Indy Air Show Map. To get to the hangar from the GA parking. Follow the perimeter fence (dashed line) West past the temporary FAA conrol Tower. Then North along the fence to the T hangars. My hangar is in row 507 #10 facing South. A red Dodge truck will be parked in front. If you check out the grounds before coming to the hangar take taxiway A2 North. It is the long North South taxiway that goes between the two sets of T hangars. 507 will be the first on your right. A good ground reference is the big blue hangar that sets off by itself on the Eastside of the taxiway. My hangar is due Norh of it. If you have any questions or get lost on the field give me a call (317)626-2583.