Triple Tree, SC (SC00) 2/6/21


Orbiting Earth
Join me at one of the Bucket List airstrips in the US. Triple Tree is a 9000′ manicured grass strip in SC. Let’s plan on being there for lunch at noon. You can certainly arrive early and enjoy all of the happenings. Description is below and more information on the airstrip and arrival info can be found on their website at Tickets for the event are $20 and should be pre-purchased to ensure that you get a ticket but may be purchased at the event if there are extras.

Triple Tree Aviators would like to invite all aircraft and their pilots to come out for our annual Chilly Chili Fly-In and Lunch. Join us for one of the first General Aviation Fly-Ins of the year!
Drive ins are welcome.
Please, no camping, this is a one day event, 9:00 am till 5:00 pm.

Lunch will be at 12:30 in the hangar (gas heat) rain or shine and includes: Homemade Chili, Fresh Bread, Cheese, Jalapenos, Corn Chips and dessert.

In the interest of keeping it simple when you land, please park on the east side of the runway in a single row. There will be a shuttle bus to pick you up and take you to the hangar and patio for lunch.

Fuel will not be available.

For questions about the Chili Chilly Fly-In, Contact:

Mark Davidson 864-275-0406

I'll be there! This really is a fun one day event. I have been 2 other times and both times were great fun. Its really a beautiful place.
Mat Haley said
I'll be there! This really is a fun one day event. I have been 2 other times and both times were great fun. Its really a beautiful place.

Fantastic! We'll have to figure out some way to hook up while there!
Sales for lunch tickets at this event are being held until they can evaluate the Covid status  of SC. Sounds like there is a chance this event could be cancelled so check in here or their website before launching!
It doesn't seem like there is sufficient interest in an alternative at this point so I'm going to officially close this fly-in. I will soon be having knee surgery so this is my last opportunity for a couple of months but someone else please take the lead and set something up!