Triple Tree Fly-In


Level Cruise
Don Nesbitt will host a BAC Fly-in at the Triple Tree Aerodome at 11:00am on September 12, 2015 at SCOO in Woodruff, SC. The link below has all the information for the Triple Tree Fly-in. BAC will piggy-back on it.

Please check all the information on their page. Please complete this form at the bottom of the linked page (Triple Tree Aerodrome Fly-In Registration) to speed up your registration upon arrival.
This airport has 7000' X 400' grass runway, which is often referred to as a "green". Cost is very reasonable.

We have 3 currently planning on attending. Don will have more information pertaining to the meeting location to follow.

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I know some are planning to attend but will leaving before Saturday - never fear as the time draws near we will set up a Friday meeting time as well. I will be there Fri/Sat.

Here is important notice from Triple Tree:

[h=2]GSP radar outage during SC00 fly-in[/h]“Greer Approach radar will be out of service during the Triple Tree Fly-In. The Greer controllers are using a backup radar feed from Atlanta Center; however, this backup system will only depict aircraft with operating transponders, and will often fail to depict aircraft below 4000 MSL. In addition, when using this backup system the required separation between IFR aircraft increases. As a result, you can expect A-T-C service to VFR aircraft landing or departing SC00 to be limited or denied. Even though the Greer radar is out of service, please remember that the class C airspace around the GSP airport remains in effect from 0600 to 2345 every day.”

Don I will not be able to attend this year as we talk about at the chilli fly in. I have been busy with the fiberglass work and I have a cowl that has to be done before the Winston Salem Air Show. Sorry, hope we can meet up somewhere else along the way.
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I plan on hosting 2 informal meet and greets at the gazebo at the lower end of the runway...

Friday and Saturday mornings 10:00 AM. From the schedule of events that should not interfere with any of the main events. If you PM me your cell number I will in return send you mine.

gazebo is at the touchdown area of runway 03 and is a great place to view incoming traffic. In my years of attending I've only landed 21 once so it's a good bet you will be landing 03.




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I greatly appreciate your hosting this event, especially doing two days. I hope there is a large turnout and the weather perfect.
So I'm sitting in Aiken with 300 ft ceilings and 6 miles visibility and the weather throughout the upstate is the same. So the host won't be there unfortunately. I will try to make it up Saturday AM if the weather miraculously gets better although that doesn't seem to be the forecast model at this point. As you can imagine the plane count is VERY low due to the less than great weather we've had this week.

The weather is the reason Bob and I did not make it. No instrument approach, wet grass runway, and camping in the rain is no fun. We will try again next year.