Toronto Area Fly-in September 11


Level Cruise
For all you Ontario-based Mouse owners, it is high time we find an excuse to get together, get to know each other and to admire each other’s aircraft. I am therefore proposing we have an informal fly-in at the Brampton Flying Club (Brampton-Caledon Airport, CNC3) on Saturday, September 11th.

My name is Peter Foster. Recently our BAC President, Jeff Knight, and our International Director, Bruce Byer, twisted my arm and asked me to to take on the newly inaugurated position of Air Boss - Eastern Canada.

As many of these positions go, the job description is rather nebulous, but I have surmised that BAC is looking for a local point of contact to promote the benefits of our Baby Beeches, help answer and/or direct queries about our aircraft, and generally just get some sort of communications going among eastern Canadian owners of the Mouse.

A bit about myself… I am a failed retiree, having spent the last seven years working full time as a Flight Instructor at the Brampton Flying Club. I have been a member of the Beech Aero Club since early 2009, shortly after my pilot wife Leili and I purchased a 1968 B23. Tragically, that aircraft was lost in a March 2019 hangar fire. However we were very fortunate in finding (locally, no less!) a lovely 1980 Sierra just a few months later. I suppose this experience is one reason they asked me to take on this position, as over the years I have faced a multitude of typical Baby Beech ownership challenges, ranging from typical maintenance headaches through to parts replacement, airframe tweaks and an avionics upgrade. But my experience is far from complete… I still have to do ducts and donuts!


Let’s Get Together !

It would be great if some of us could get together for a meet and greet, and to admire and discuss the Musketeers, Sundowners and Sierras we all love. I would like to invite Baby Beech owners drop by at the Brampton Flying Club (CNC3) on Saturday, September 11th from 0930 onwards. I will try to organize a bit of ramp space for us to allow for some easy viewing of each other’s aircraft, and also set aside a couple of tables in the restaurant (current Covid restrictions suggest two tables of six) for us to enjoy brunch from 1100 onwards.

As we get closer to the date I will provide an update of arrangements. Let me know if you have any questions, or if you prefer you can send me a personal message via this website.

I hope to see you there !


Peter Foster

1980 C24R Sierra MC-707   C-GTJS
This Fly-In can be bigger than just Ontario.  If anyone can make it across the border, then it would be a BAC International Fly-In.

Well I suppose I am getting ahead of myself, but hopefully Beech Aero Centre aircraft owners, (Musketeer, Sport, Super, Sundowner, Sierra, Skipper, Duchess) not only from Ontario but also Quebec and points east will find their way to Brampton.

This would also be a good opportunity for those lurking on the website who want to get a good look at the BAC series of planes, there will be a good selection to look at as the plan is to get them all tied down in one location near the Brampton Flying Club.

Per the link below, that is also where the restaurant is so all is very convenient.

It is also an opportunity to see aircraft upgrades you may be thinking of.   I think Peter will have his new autopilot operating blue side up by then so his upgraded panel will be worth inspecting just in itself.  Similarly, others will have fixes to show off.

PM or Message Peter, or if you cannot get Peters message link to work, then try me and I will get you in contact with Peter.   A head count would be nice.

Maybe Peter will need three tables for Saturday September 11, 2021!,+Cheltenham,+ON+L7C+2A3,+Canada/@43.758887,-79.878033,16z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x882b11ac6dc4f255:0xcf304ff916921819!8m2!3d43.7588866!4d-79.8780332?hl=en

Great job Peter!

Looking forward to seeing the results of your Fly-in.  A great opportunity for Canadian mouse drivers to meet and compare rides.  Perhaps you will get some up from NY, OH, MI, or VT and make it truly international.  Good Luck and have fun.
It looks like Brampton is a CANPASS airport per the link below but does not have Canadian Customs people on site.

Has anyone flown from the States into Canada in the last few weeks with a light aircraft - just wondered how that was working?

It seemed that flying your own plane was the way to get into Canada without too much difficulty the past year or so.
I see that the Brampton Fly-In on Saturday September 11 is listed on the BAC website under Events / Fly-Ins.

Then a week later on Sept 18, Liberal Kansas and later in October, BAC Fest in Tennessee.

The website is pretty up do date and it seems there is no time for aircraft annuals.
Sanzito said
This is great; hopefully I can make it in and meet fellow Mouse owners.

Below is the Brampton Flight Centre link re the various route options re driving your car to the BAC Fly-In.

Sometimes if you are close by, driving is just plain easier than taking the plane.  The downside of driving however is that then you do not get the chance to show off your plane but you can still inspect the other planes.

That is one of the real advantages of attending a BAC Fly-In. It provides an opportunity to see how others have fixed up their planes and solved problems.
pwf said
For all you Mouse owners, it is high time we find an excuse to get together, get to know each other and to admire each other’s aircraft. I am therefore proposing we have an informal fly-in at the Brampton Flying Club (Brampton-Caledon Airport, CNC3) on Saturday, September 11th.

My name is Peter Foster. Recently our BAC President, Jeff Knight, and our International Director, Bruce Byer, twisted my arm and asked me to to take on the newly inaugurated position of Air Boss - Eastern Canada.

As many of these positions go, the job description is rather nebulous, but I have surmised that BAC is looking for a local point of contact to promote the benefits of our Baby Beeches, help answer and/or direct queries about our aircraft, and generally just get some sort of communications going among eastern Canadian owners of the Mouse.

A bit about myself… I am a failed retiree, having spent the last seven years working full time as a Flight Instructor at the Brampton Flying Club. I have been a member of the Beech Aero Club since early 2009, shortly after my pilot wife Leili and I purchased a 1968 B23. Tragically, that aircraft was lost in a March 2019 hangar fire. However we were very fortunate in finding (locally, no less!) a lovely 1980 Sierra just a few months later. I suppose this experience is one reason they asked me to take on this position, as over the years I have faced a multitude of typical Baby Beech ownership challenges, ranging from typical maintenance headaches through to parts replacement, airframe tweaks and an avionics upgrade. But my experience is far from complete… I still have to do ducts and donuts!

Let’s Get Together !

It would be great if some of us could get together for a meet and greet, and to admire and discuss the Musketeers, Sundowners and Sierras we all love. I would like to invite Baby Beech owners drop by at the Brampton Flying Club (CNC3) on Saturday, September 11th from 0930 onwards. I will try to organize a bit of ramp space for us to allow for some easy viewing of each other’s aircraft, and also set aside a couple of tables in the restaurant (current Covid restrictions suggest two tables of six) for us to enjoy brunch from 1100 onwards.

As we get closer to the date I will provide an update of arrangements. Let me know if you have any questions, or if you prefer you can send me a personal message via this website.

I hope to see you there !


Peter Foster

1980 C24R Sierra MC-707   C-GTJS

Hi all!

Reminder that I am hosting a BAC fly-in near Toronto at the Brampton-Caledon airport (CNC3) on September 11th. Arrive 0930 onwards for meet and greet, then off to breakfast at 1100. I will try to set aside some ramp space to view each other's aircraft. Please, I also ask all incoming pilots to be very mindful of the busy aircraft operations on CNC3's ramp, and once parked, that we all maintain our saftey consciousness as we walk about our aircraft.

For those who opt to hang around a bit, the Brampton Flying Club is hosting a 75th anniversary BBQ that same day. It is a Brampton Flying Club members' event, with limited numbers due to Covid, however I have it on good authority (the big boss) that the BFC should be able to squeeze in a few incoming BAC pilots (and their guest) into the burger line up in the early afternoon.

In addition, also on that day (everything happens in threes!), the folks at CNC3's Great War Flying Museum will be opening their hangar to the public for the first time since Covid forced a closure a year and a half ago. There is no special event scheduled at the Museum, but you will have the opportunity to see the inner workings of a group of enthusiasts who occupy their time building and flying replica World War One aircraft, and also see the WWI artifacts in their adjoining museum. With luck they may even fly one or two of their aircraft (NOTE: this is NOT an airshow, but simply a bit of local flying occurring as the GWFM member pilots maintain currency).

But, as always, the main attraction to us will be to meet and chat about our fabulous Baby Beeches.

Please drop me a line if you think you can drop by. Hope to see you there!


pwf said
pwf said

For all you Mouse owners, it is high time we find an excuse to get together, get to know each other and to admire each other’s aircraft. I am therefore proposing we have an informal fly-in at the Brampton Flying Club (Brampton-Caledon Airport, CNC3) on Saturday, September 11th.

My name is Peter Foster. Recently our BAC President, Jeff Knight, and our International Director, Bruce Byer, twisted my arm and asked me to to take on the newly inaugurated position of Air Boss - Eastern Canada.

As many of these positions go, the job description is rather nebulous, but I have surmised that BAC is looking for a local point of contact to promote the benefits of our Baby Beeches, help answer and/or direct queries about our aircraft, and generally just get some sort of communications going among eastern Canadian owners of the Mouse.

A bit about myself… I am a failed retiree, having spent the last seven years working full time as a Flight Instructor at the Brampton Flying Club. I have been a member of the Beech Aero Club since early 2009, shortly after my pilot wife Leili and I purchased a 1968 B23. Tragically, that aircraft was lost in a March 2019 hangar fire. However we were very fortunate in finding (locally, no less!) a lovely 1980 Sierra just a few months later. I suppose this experience is one reason they asked me to take on this position, as over the years I have faced a multitude of typical Baby Beech ownership challenges, ranging from typical maintenance headaches through to parts replacement, airframe tweaks and an avionics upgrade. But my experience is far from complete… I still have to do ducts and donuts!

Let’s Get Together !

It would be great if some of us could get together for a meet and greet, and to admire and discuss the Musketeers, Sundowners and Sierras we all love. I would like to invite Baby Beech owners drop by at the Brampton Flying Club (CNC3) on Saturday, September 11th from 0930 onwards. I will try to organize a bit of ramp space for us to allow for some easy viewing of each other’s aircraft, and also set aside a couple of tables in the restaurant (current Covid restrictions suggest two tables of six) for us to enjoy brunch from 1100 onwards.

As we get closer to the date I will provide an update of arrangements. Let me know if you have any questions, or if you prefer you can send me a personal message via this website.

I hope to see you there !


Peter Foster

1980 C24R Sierra MC-707   C-GTJS


Hi all!

Reminder that I am hosting a BAC fly-in near Toronto at the Brampton-Caledon airport (CNC3) on September 11th. Arrive 0930 onwards for meet and greet, then off to breakfast at 1100. I will try to set aside some ramp space to view each other's aircraft. Please, I also ask all incoming pilots to be very mindful of the busy aircraft operations on CNC3's ramp, and once parked, that we all maintain our saftey consciousness as we walk about our aircraft.

For those who opt to hang around a bit, the Brampton Flying Club is hosting a 75th anniversary BBQ that same day. It is a Brampton Flying Club members' event, with limited numbers due to Covid, however I have it on good authority (the big boss) that the BFC should be able to squeeze in a few incoming BAC pilots (and their guest) into the burger line up in the early afternoon.

In addition, also on that day (everything happens in threes!), the folks at CNC3's Great War Flying Museum will be opening their hangar to the public for the first time since Covid forced a closure a year and a half ago. There is no special event scheduled at the Museum, but you will have the opportunity to see the inner workings of a group of enthusiasts who occupy their time building and flying replica World War One aircraft, and also see the WWI artifacts in their adjoining museum. With luck they may even fly one or two of their aircraft (NOTE: this is NOT an airshow, but simply a bit of local flying occurring as the GWFM member pilots maintain currency).

But, as always, the main attraction to us will be to meet and chat about our fabulous Baby Beeches.

Please drop me a line if you think you can drop by. Hope to see you there!




Reminder all of the fly-in Leili and I will be hosting at the Brampton Flying Club (CNC3) on Saturday, 0930-1200. Breakfast at 1100. Other details above.

If you are unfamiliar with CNC3, we will be in the southwest side of the Apron near the clubhouse. To get there, taxi to the north side of the main parking Apron, then taxi west (passing most of the takedowns) towards the fence, and finally south to the southwest corner of the Apron. I am trying to to hold a few parking spaces on the southwest side close by the club house. Look for the BAC sign, and for a Tiger Moth that will also be parked there.

Hope to see you on Saturday!


pwf said
pwf said

For all you Mouse owners, it is high time we find an excuse to get together, get to know each other and to admire each other’s aircraft. I am therefore proposing we have an informal fly-in at the Brampton Flying Club (Brampton-Caledon Airport, CNC3) on Saturday, September 11th.

My name is Peter Foster. Recently our BAC President, Jeff Knight, and our International Director, Bruce Byer, twisted my arm and asked me to to take on the newly inaugurated position of Air Boss - Eastern Canada.
As many of these positions go, the job description is rather nebulous, but I have surmised that BAC is looking for a local point of contact to promote the benefits of our Baby Beeches, help answer and/or direct queries about our aircraft, and generally just get some sort of communications going among eastern Canadian owners of the Mouse.

A bit about myself… I am a failed retiree, having spent the last seven years working full time as a Flight Instructor at the Brampton Flying Club. I have been a member of the Beech Aero Club since early 2009, shortly after my pilot wife Leili and I purchased a 1968 B23. Tragically, that aircraft was lost in a March 2019 hangar fire. However we were very fortunate in finding (locally, no less!) a lovely 1980 Sierra just a few months later. I suppose this experience is one reason they asked me to take on this position, as over the years I have faced a multitude of typical Baby Beech ownership challenges, ranging from typical maintenance headaches through to parts replacement, airframe tweaks and an avionics upgrade. But my experience is far from complete… I still have to do ducts and donuts!
Let’s Get Together !

It would be great if some of us could get together for a meet and greet, and to admire and discuss the Musketeers, Sundowners and Sierras we all love. I would like to invite Baby Beech owners drop by at the Brampton Flying Club (CNC3) on Saturday, September 11th from 0930 onwards. I will try to organize a bit of ramp space for us to allow for some easy viewing of each other’s aircraft, and also set aside a couple of tables in the restaurant (current Covid restrictions suggest two tables of six) for us to enjoy brunch from 1100 onwards.As we get closer to the date I will provide an update of arrangements. Let me know if you have any questions, or if you prefer you can send me a personal message via this website.
I hope to see you there !

Peter Foster
1980 C24R Sierra MC-707   C-GTJS

Hi all!
Reminder that I am hosting a BAC fly-in near Toronto at the Brampton-Caledon airport (CNC3) on September 11th. Arrive 0930 onwards for meet and greet, then off to breakfast at 1100. I will try to set aside some ramp space to view each other's aircraft. Please, I also ask all incoming pilots to be very mindful of the busy aircraft operations on CNC3's ramp, and once parked, that we all maintain our saftey consciousness as we walk about our aircraft.

For those who opt to hang around a bit, the Brampton Flying Club is hosting a 75th anniversary BBQ that same day. It is a Brampton Flying Club members' event, with limited numbers due to Covid, however I have it on good authority (the big boss) that the BFC should be able to squeeze in a few incoming BAC pilots (and their guest) into the burger line up in the early afternoon.
In addition, also on that day (everything happens in threes!), the folks at CNC3's Great War Flying Museum will be opening their hangar to the public for the first time since Covid forced a closure a year and a half ago. There is no special event scheduled at the Museum, but you will have the opportunity to see the inner workings of a group of enthusiasts who occupy their time building and flying replica World War One aircraft, and also see the WWI artifacts in their adjoining museum. With luck they may even fly one or two of their aircraft (NOTE: this is NOT an airshow, but simply a bit of local flying occurring as the GWFM member pilots maintain currency).

But, as always, the main attraction to us will be to meet and chat about our fabulous Baby Beeches.
Please drop me a line if you think you can drop by. Hope to see you there!

That is this weekend - this Saturday September 11, 2021.

Time really does fly; it seems like just yesterday you announced the BAC Brampton Fly-In.  There should not be any snow - should still be good flying weather.

Here, out West, maybe the sky is not so certain, but down East, I suppose the trees are changing colour so the aerial views should be great.

Yes, this Saturday morning will be a great day to get all the Musketeers into the air and all to Brampton CNC3.
That morning looks slightly windy but other than that looks awesome for the fly-in. Looking forward to it!  

I look forward to meeting you... and seeing your lovely Sierra again !


pwf said

I look forward to meeting you... and seeing your lovely Sierra again !



I’m really looking forward to meeting you too, Peter. But the winds in Oshawa are not looking good. Well north of 20 KT’s by early afternoon - a bit much for my personal limits. I may just be driving out. 


Drive or fly, I hope to meet you. Leili and I will have our aircraft on the ramp, so we can swap Sierra stories!


pwf said

Drive or fly, I hope to meet you. Leili and I will have our aircraft on the ramp, so we can swap Sierra stories!


Below is the link for the Drive In directions for the BAC Fly-In at Brampton (CNC3) tomorrow, Saturday September 11.
A quick report on our Toronto area fly-in...

Winds were getting rather fierce, limiting flying activity for the day. Accordingly, Kamal Gautam (C24R C-GFCW) chose to drive over.

While eating breakfast we were delighted to see Daniel Lajeunesse and his brother Jacques arrive, having flown in all the way from Ottawa in Dan's newly purchased Sierra (C24R C-GDGD). Quite a marathon, it took over 2.5 hours flying directly into a headwind, with groundspeeds in the high ninety knot range. However, they got home in only 90 minutes!

So including Leili and I, in the end we had two C24R Sierras and four Sierra owners together for breakfast and much Baby Beech talk. We took in a tour of my airport's resident World War One aviation museum, scoped out their fleet of flying replicas (grounded due winds), and enjoyed free ice cream courtesy of the Brampton Flying Club. A good time was had by all.

Here are a few pics, including a beauty shot of the Brampton Flying Club's recently restored Tiger Moth, which was one of their three original aircraft when they were founded in 1946. The BFC had been planning to put it back to work hopping rides - with me as pilot - before this Covid thing interrupted all our lives.



Sierra C-GTJS  MC-707

I guess the pictures will follow.

Weather has been a challenge this year out here in the Prairies as well - smoke, heat, wind, and now rain, at least today.

We got lucky with our COPA BAC breakfast in July on a Saturday - Sunday was lousy weather, the weekend before and after as well.

In fact the local airshow at the end of August, Saturday was OK but Sunday got cancelled.

By my standards, you had a good turnout for a first time event.

We need Tiger Moth pictures for the BAC members in Australia - they have flocks of them down there as well as the UK.