Third Thursday BBQ at KMCW - July 20, 2023


Around The Moon
Mason City has been doing Third Thursday for well over ten years and the fly in just before OSH is something to see.  I understand this year both That's All Brother and Doc will stop over at Third Thursday this year.  I'm going in on my way to OSH, spending the night there to enjoy this event and a beverage.  There is camping on the field or nearby hotels.

About Third Thursday BBQ at KMCW:

A fly-in/drive-in gathering of pilots and friends. Bring something to throw on the grill, something to drink, and a dish to pass. If you are flying in and that is a problem, fear not, we always have plenty of food!  We light the grills around 6 pm. Cars park on the south side of the Rozendaal Hangar, Planes on the north side in the grass. No speeches, no meetings, just fellowship and good food with other flyers...  Everyone is welcome!!



I plan to attend.  Hopefully other BAC members will be there also.


Departing Tuesday from San Antonio (camper van) and plan to overnight at airport Wednesday night.  So ... we will have a BAC van and driver as needed on Thursday!


trumpet nelson

(hey - - do they have a flag pole ??? )
Bump as upcoming next week on Thursday.  I know three attending so anyone else come on and join us, hope to see you there.
Bumping again for Thursday of this week and because Doc (B-29) and That's All Brother, the C-47 that led the Normandy invasion on June 6, 1944 will be there and rides can be reserved.

That's All Brother
I plan to arrive tomorrow (Wednesday) mid-afternoon, flying in from Missoula, MT.  I will have a rental car until I depart early Friday morning, so if any attendees need a ride in Mason City or Clear Lake, just let me know and give me a call /text  (210-834-1991).  Staying at the hotel 1.8 miles away from KMCW (Best Western Holiday Lodge) as a test for future trips.  They provide an airport shuttle.

Hope to see you all there,

Nelson Amen (trumpet nelson)
Well we have two total converts for Mason City's Third Thursday fly in!  Myself, Greg Johnson and Trumpet Nelson enjoyed things then we flew on to Oshkosh the following day.  Great fun.
