Texas BBQ Fly-in NOV 4th - San Antonio

trumpet nelson

Around The Moon
Come on over and join us for great Texas BBQ and Texas hospitality on the west side of San Antonio.

Saturday - November 4th - serving lunch from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm at Nelson's hangar - located at 8T8 - San Geronimo Airpark

Easy to land 3000 ft paved runway, free food, free drinks, and we'll swap airplane stories

I will be at the hangar from 10:00 am forward, so come early to light the fire. Forecasted to be in the 70's - - sweet!

Nelson Amen


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Come on over and join us for great Texas BBQ and Texas hospitality on the west side of San Antonio.

Saturday - November 4th - serving lunch from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm at Nelson's hangar - located at 8T8 - San Geronimo Airpark

Easy to land 3000 ft paved runway, free food, free drinks, and we'll swap airplane stories

I will be at the hangar from 10:00 am forward, so come early to light the fire. Forecasted to be in the 70's - - sweet!

Nelson Amen

Current forecast is "mostly sunny" with a high of 77 degrees. Sweet. Our recent rains here in south Texas have greened up the front lawn nicely.

Please let me know if you plan to attend - - - by Wednesday ( November 1st ) since I will be buying groceries on Thursday. Jut post a reply here in our forum.

Look for the big blue hangar at the southern one third of the runway. Doubt if you'll miss it since I will have the Texas flag awning in the front. (!)

Self-serve fuel is available about 10 minutes south of our airpark at Castroville ( KCVB ).

trumpet nelson


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I owe a call to the avionics shop on Monday. As soon as I hear back I'll let you know if I'm available to run down there on Saturday.
Nelson - I am in, weather dependent. I see great weather at both FTW and 8T8 but low ceilings between us in the morning. I may have the possibility to run East and then turn back West once I get far enough South. I'll keep you updated as time progresses.

I'd also need to depart 8T8 by 2ish for honey-do list items.
Glad to see you are planning to attend. Just text with an update on Saturday if possible (210-834-1991). No worries if the weather keeps you at home. There will always be another time!

Buying extra food in case more want to make the flight to San Antonio. Hope to see you here - - - update with a text if possible (210-834-1991).

Forecast is mostly sunny and 80 deg for a high. Sweet!

Airport TAF shows 4 am scattered at 800, then 10:00 am scattered at 3,000 ft. Should be a great day. Look for the smoke !

Nelson - apologies once again on the last minute cancel. It was 800 broken when I arrived at the airport around 9:30. The plane was preflighted and ready to go and by the time I called you at 10:30 FTW had gone VFR with 1,300 few but FWS just a couple miles south was still 1,000 broken. On top of that GRK was still IFR. Things just weren't lining up.

I have a hate hate relationship with the Ft. Worth National Weather Service. They do great in the summer when its 106, sunny, and no rain every day. Outside of the summer whatever the forecast just never happens. I should've known the early morning clearing wouldn't occur as forecast.

It did give me time to clean some bugs off the plane and try on the new canopy cover. Next time lunch is my treat. Speaking of treats I had cookies in the plane I was going to bring.

Next time!

Jay - - all good. It was a beautiful day here in San Antonio.

PHOTO - - ready to marshal aircraft to the soda/water cooler


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BAC members (flying "my" Sundowner - it is still based at my airport 8T8)) took a 11:00 am flight and then came over for the BBQ. Rene (with his grandson Corenzo) and Jerry are the current joint owners of my Sundowner and also BAC members.

Corenzo had cookies .... some chips .... a soda ..... and called it good for lunch (oh, to be young again ...).

BBQ was sausage, chicken, and hamburgers, plus lots of sides. Weather was perfect. We'll try again soon and hope for more to fly in and enjoy.



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