Sunday Nov 21st lunch fly-in .... pre-BAC Lite recon KMPJ Arkansas

trumpet nelson

Around The Moon
Hoping a few of you want to join me for a fly-in lunch the weekend before Thanksgiving.  Will plan to meet no later than 11:30 am Sunday at the airport and recon the state park lodge as well as the other facilities available for our BAC Lite get-together (April 1, 2022  .... no foolin' !).

I wanted to get this posted here for plenty of planning time.  I will call the lodge this week and ask about our options, but ... time to get on-site and look, regardless.  I have heard great things, but not been there in person.

Nelson Amen (off the reservation - once again)

San Antonio, Texas

.... and for those with inquiring minds that have time (and wish) to read about the place, here is the link:

Petit Jean State Park | Arkansas State Parks


Looks like camping will set you back about $25 a night, a room at the lodge about $100 per night, and a cabin about $100 to $200 per night.  Also (sad face) looks like the pool will be closed during our BAC Lite 2022 event on April 1st.  And hoping the rates don't go up in the meantime (you know .... that transitory inflation thingy)

Those "in the know" have told me not to assume fuel will be at the airport (KMPJ), and that airplane parking might be a deal-breaker for our event.  More to follow for the team after my recon planned for Nov 21st.  Another question will be the (approx) 1.5 mile hike (or ride) from the airport to the lodge.  Logistics!  I will keep everyone in the loop with a report and photos.  All good fun!  Most likely, our only "big" event will be a group lunch (or supper) on Saturday.  Other than that, you puppies will be on your own (but I sure hope they have coffee and pancakes in the mornings).   

If it looks like you will fly-in, please give me a call or a text -    210-834-1991

I will be there on Sunday, regardless of weather.  If I am not able to make the 1 hr flight down from Grove, OK then I will make the 3 1/2 hour drive.  So if you decide to make the trip, I will be there to meet you at the airport at 11:30 am Sunday.  But I will need to know to expect you.

Expect some photos and details of the facility posted here when I return to San Antonio next week.

Nelson Amen
Arrived at the airport at about noon today.

Weather - sunny & clear, calm winds .... oh WAIT, that is tomorrow's forecast ! (of course)

Hill tops were into the low cloud cover, fog, and light rain (yep, another South Central district fly-in date comes and goes .... ) as I made the road trip (4 hr, 15 min) from Oklahoma.

A great opportunity to walk around the airport, check out the airplane parking areas, the fuel dispenser, and then a trip over to the Petit Jean park Lodge to check out the rooms, cabins, and the services offered.  All positive.

I will post photos and official report when I return home next week.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS - weekend of April 1, 2022 - - looking at a two night stay (Fri and Sat) for our BAC Lite fly-in / drive-in event.  If you decide to attend, it was very clear that we will need to make our reservations early.  The lodge was booked solid this past weekend.

The wife is reading a book next to me as I add April 1 to the calendar. Then I think this is nelson and is this an Aprils fools joke :)