Sun n Fun 2021


Staff member
For all members attending Sun n Fun 2021 this week, have fun, fly safe and don't push weather.  I know you will have a great time.  Check out the Type club Tent on the infield right across from the 9/27 pavilion. If you can't find it, contact Tim Hill the Southeast Regional director and he will provide vectors to final.  Be sure to let Tim know your availability for the dinner on Thursday.  His contact info is below.

 Tim Hill, the Southeast Regional Director is coordinating the event.

This is his quote:

I have entered on the Beech website the dinner for Thursday April 15th at Bonefish Grill located at 225 W. Pipkin Road, Lakeland Fla. The Beech Club Dinner will be held 5:30 (17:30) April 15th at Bonefish Grill after the close of the airshow that day. Please come by the Type Club Tent and sign up.  If unable to come by the tent, then please give me a call at (912) 655-7052 my cell to let me know if you are able to make it…  

Thank you ,
Tim Hill
I arrived yesterday at noon.  I’ve got rental wheels...any campers that need a ride into town, let me know.  Call:
Seven Oh Three   SS4 - 448S

I’ll be at the Type Tent.

Bob Prange