Sun n Fun 2017


Headed to Andromeda
I am planning on flying into Lakeland/Tampa area on Monday April 3 and attending Sun n Fun Tuesday and Wednesday. Possibly Thursday also. I am going to book a place to stay and a rental car for daily to/from event. I would be happy to share car rental costs if anyone else has similar plans. PM me if interested.

I translate your message below to mean you need a place to sleep Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday. I also have Thursday/Friday accommodations.

I am arriving at SnF on Tuesday. Landing Tampa (9:30am) then rented car to Lakeland hotel and the show.

My hotel is booked starting April 3 (Monday) Westmont Inn, Lakeland. So far only me sleeping there.
Room has two bedrooms with double bed in each.
Checking out Saturday morning for commercial flight home to Boston.

Cell phone 781 843-4321 - Other interested participants should call me.

Tom Corcoran
To Whom it May Concern,

I'm staying at the La Quinta in Brandon, just east of Tampa and about 25 miles/minutes from Lakeland. Have a room with two beds and will have availability probably early in the week. Might have a couple buddies crashing there toward the end of the week...nothing firm yet...just FYI. I'll have a car, so I can help with driving running errands if required.

Should have more definite plans in about a week or so. Anyone else needing/booking accommodations/rental cars please keep all in the loop to share expenses which will hopefully encourage more folks to come out.


Charley Booton, SE Director, N9143S
Also, as a reminder, if you plan to work the type club tent, you get a free wristband and parking for that day...volunteer for three days and you get a weekly pass and parking for the show.

Questions, call me at the above number or

Charley Booton
I will be flying into plant city airport on Monday April 3,2017 and will rent a car and stay in Lakeland till Thursday morning. If that helps anyone needing a ride etc let me know.
Steve, did you want to work the type club tent? Let me know NLT 28 March and I can get you wristbands/parking pass for those days. Three days or more you get a weekly passes.
Sun n Fun is right around the corner and please let me know by Tue, 28 March whether you want to help out at the type club tent.

As a reminder, if you plan to work the type club tent, you get a free wristband and parking for that day...volunteer for three days and you get a weekly pass and free parking for the show.

I'm staying all week at the La Quinta in Brandon, about 25 minutes west of Lakeland. If anyone needs accommodations for Mon, Tue, Wed, I have room and would be willing to share expenses. Also, will have a car and can help if anyone needs a ride from the commercial ramp, etc.

Thursday, BAC dinner at Manny's Chophouse...see BAC calendar for details.

Questions, call me at 850-496-6912 or

Charley Booton
As of this morning I have nine volunteers to work the type club tent next week: Myself, Tim Hill, Rick Gaffney, Paul Werbin, John Redmon, Fred and Lisa Hannon, Tom Corcoran and Fred Culleton. Please respond by the end of today 28 March whether you're a volunteer. Remember a free wristband and parking pass for the days that you work or work three days or more and get a weekly pass and wristband... Pretty good deal! Check my other posts on this site for my phone number and email.
I do not think i will make it. I had hoped to get some family issues out of the way by this weekend but not yet.
I flew home yesterday in nice weather. A bit over 5 hours and the Sierra (and pilot!) is ready for a rest after my extended side trips.
Many thanks to Charlie Booton for organizing the BAC dinner and type club tent schedule during Sun n Fun.
Yes, add my accolades to Charlie for keeping the BAC pilots herded-up during SnF. There was about a dozen by my count.

The Type Club tent was well attended. Charlie had the right mix of work and play.

SnF was very hot some days (92 degrees) and humid. Other days a jacket was welcome. The airshow was excellent. So were the sandwiches Charlie arranged.

Our best recruiting vehicle is our monthly newsletter which goes to every Beech owner, but the table at the Type Club gave us a meeting place, some shade, a central spot to gather and a chair.

BAC has enormous value to all of us. This recent event added fun.

Tom Corcoran