SCBC And BAC At KLUX, September 20, 2009!


Touring the Galaxy
Just a reminder that the next KLUX Fly-In event is only four weeks from today (Sunday 8/23). The 9/20/2009 event is the annual combined South Carolina Breakfast Club/BAC Fly-In at KLUX. Free breakfast to BAC members and guests. We are expecting an upgraded breakfast menu this year.

Free technical support for light BAC Member Owner Maintenance, after the SCBC meeting wraps up. Here's hoping for good weather this year!
Needless to say, SCBC/BAC at KLUX was a weather bust. No fly-in nor drive-in BAC members; only us KLUX-based guys. Lowest SCBC attendance overall that I have ever seen; I doubt that there were more than 30 attendees. I'm just marking it canceled on the schedule. Wouldn't be right to leave it classified as a fly-in event.

Sorry I couldn't make it. I actually left a Cub Scout camp-out late Saturday night so that I could be there. Got to get that Instrument Ticket.
