Prop Blast Cafe - Coldwater, MI (KOEB) - Saturday - September 10, 2022


Flight Levels
Join us for lunch at the Prop Blast Cafe located on the field at Branch County Memorial (KOEB). It has been a few years since we have had a fly-in at Coldwater. The restaurant has new owners that took over about three months ago.  When I called today the owner sounded excited to have us fly-in.  The restaurant is in the big hangar located near the fuel pumps. We will have to park in the grass opposite of the restaurant. Arrive by 11:30am EDT.


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The weather is looking questionable this weekend.  I am scheduled off tomorrow Friday 9/9/22 and the weather looks good at this point.  I have the BAC Bear and I don't want to miss an opportunity to fill in Michigan.  So, if you are free fly or drive to Coldwater, MI (KOEB) on Friday.  I plan to do this a bit earlier tomorrow than on Saturday.  I will post my arrival time tomorrow once I check the weather and make my decision to fly or not.  


I am still planning to fly on Saturday.  But that depends on the weather.
Chance of rain and a slight chance of thunderstorms tomorrow mostly in the afternoon according to the current forecast.  I will look at the weather in the morning to make my decision to fly or not.  If I go.  I will probably go earlier to avoid the weather in the afternoon for the return flight.  
The weather looks to be holding for this morning.  I will be departing KMQJ around 9:00am EDT.  I still want to be heading back before this afternoon.  Several of you have contacted me either through PM or text.  Looking forward to seeing you today.  Fly or drive safe!
Well a few people are starting to show. 

What a neat little airport cafe. 

First fly-in I’ve ever (intentionally) attended.  I drove. 🙄
The rain and thunderstorms did hold off for our fly-in today.  Smooth ride up, sunny skies with a few fair weather clouds off to the west for my route of flight from KMQJ to KOEB.  Return trip, scattered cumulus were building, bases were just above my cruising altitude of 4,000ft.  We had six attendees.  One Musketeer, one Sundowner, and two Sierras on the field.  For Patrick Jeski and Neal Johnson this was their first BAC fly-in.  Patrick drove in today.  He recently bought his Sierra from a fellow BAC member in Pennsylvania.  It is currently in for annual and an avionics upgrade.  He is installing a 750, 650, new audio panel, along with some G5's.  I'm looking forward to seeing his panel after it is done.  Neal Johnson flew his '63 Musketeer to our fly-in today.  It has a total time of 1800 hrs. on it.  As seen in the pictures below it is in great shape.  Thanks to everyone that attended today to make it another successful fly-in for the East Central Region.  I enjoyed meeting new and old acquaintances and our hangar flying today.  The Prop Blast Cafe is a place to visit if you are up in Michigan.      


Neal Johnson's '63 Musketeer

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Aircraft lineup

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Pictured are: Patrick Jeski, Neal Johnson, Aleks Sandford, John Turchi, and Mike Matz

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