Prop Blast Cafe - Coldwater, MI (KOEB) - Saturday - August 19, 2023

I’m here.  Arrived an hour early.  Been some changes since last year.  Don’t have to park in the grass anymore.  New asphalt ramp.  
It was good flying today up and back.  Just a bit hazy.  Two members in attendance today.  Patrick Jeski drove in.  His Sierra is still in the avionics shop.  Hopefully he will be able to fly it to our next fly-in.  As mentioned in the previous post I arrived an hour early.  Picked up FOD (rocks) from the new ramp area while waiting.  The new asphalt ramp in front of the restaurant replaced the grass area that we had to park in for many years.  They also removed the taxiway that went across the approach end of the grass runway 16.  Food was great.  Make it a point to take a trip to Coldwater and eat at the Prop Plast Cafe. 


At about 12:30pm I saw a Sport land and taxi by the restaurant.  It taxied over to the FBO ramp area which is on the far eastside of the airport.  The Sport was repositioned several times while the engine was kept running.  Eventually it departed.  Looked up the tail number and it is owned by a current member that lives in Michigan.  I will be sending a PM to see if they knew about the fly-in.   


New ramp in front of the restaurant.

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Taxiway removed across the approach end of the grass runway 16.

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Patrick Jeski in front of John Redmon's Sierra

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Patrick Jeski in front of his ground transportation.  Nice ride!

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