Prop Blast Cafe - Coldwater, MI (KOEB) - Saturday - August 17, 2019


Flight Levels
Join us for lunch at the Prop Blast Cafe located on the field. Its been a couple of years since we have had a fly-in at Coldwater. I hear from David Hast the restaurant is under new management and the service and food are much improved since our last visit. The restaurant is in the big hangar located near the fuel pumps. We will have to park in the grass opposite of the restaurant. Arrive by 11:30am EDT.
Looking forward to heading up to Coldwater on Saturday. Anyone else planning to attend?
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Still have some Beech Aero Club logo chairs left. Just make a donation towards 3Z's paint and annual and get a chair.

John, if you make it to Jackson (I43) on Saturday the 24th, bring a chair. I want one and it is for a good cause.
I was the only attendee today. Partly cloudy skies and light winds in Coldwater. Thought a few BAC members from Michigan or northern Indiana would have would made it in. Saw a Grumman and a pressurized Cessna Skymaster fly-in and land before dining. The food and service at the Prop Blast Café was excellent. I highly recommend going there and support a restaurant that you can fly to.
John, the Duchess and I had hoped to make it but weather made me wimp out. Definitely planning on Janesville next weekend. Lots more fun than working! Maybe you should call in sick, tell them you had the "flew".

mkeperson aka Joe