POSTPONED: Ice Runway & Laconia NH


Orbiting Earth
2/10/19 incident video link at #5

The ice runway fly-in is postponed until Saturday February 16, 2019. 11am at Alton Bay NH.

Lack of a promise of good ice and a forecast of high gusty winds (>40) puts a damper on tomorrow.
Listen to the ice runway recording for official info 603 875-3498.

Landing at Laconia (KLCI) involves some mountain flying (Just hills to our Colorado friends).
So, we will try again next Saturday.

Tom Corcoran
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This is a relief! With those crosswinds I was unable to find some studded tires for the Sundowner.
Glenn asks an interesting question which deserves an answer.

Landing on the ice runway is a BAC tradition in the Northeast Region. It is not for everybody.
Because you do or do not chose to land there is not a test of manhood nor is it a real test of pilot skills.
Moreso, it is a right of passage for pilots who are (calculated) risk takers.

It is not inherently dangerous. Not every pilot chooses to land on water. Or fly in mountains. Or do aerobatics. Or land at big Class Bravo airports. Or land at tiny grass strips. Or do real instrument landings. We do it because we choose to do it.

The ice runway is actually carefully managed. Both by manager Paul Larochelle and the State of New Hampshire and the FAA. Why is it open? Because it has passed the test of being open enough for (certain) pilot's safe useage and BECAUSE IT IS NOT Sooo UNSAFE THAT IT SHOULD BE CLOSED. (Note: It has been mostly closed due to safety concerns this year.)

We all decide our own limitations. Some of us have limitations which give others pause. Others have very tight personal limits. Good thing.

Thank you Glenn for asking the question. It gave me a chance to pontificate. And Glenn, you live in a very exciting state (Maine). Let's have a fly-in during the summer near you... maybe Bar Harbor, or Wiscasset or Portland, eh?

Tom Corcoran Ice fly-in rescheduled for Saturday February 16, 2019 at 11am at B18
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“A man’s got to know his limitations.”

- Clint Eastwood as “Dirty” Harry Callahan in Magnum Force
We choose to land on this frozen lake and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.

Paraphrasing JFK, Rice University Moon Speech, September 12, 1962.