Orcas Anual EAA Fly-In August 1-3, 2014


Around The Moon
The Orcas Island EAA Chapter hosts a fly-in every year on the first weekend in August. There is no fee and there aren't any big time vendors selling their wares, but we get a lot of airplane friendly people to socialize with. The weather is usually great and it's a beautiful place to fly. The Fire Department holds a pancake breakfast fund raiser both Saturday and Sunday morning 7-11am. and the Kwainis Club operates a food shack until about 8pm Friday and Saturday and 2pm on Sunday. Plus, Eastsound Village is only a 1/4 mile walk down a lovely trail from the south end of the airport.
General Bill Anders (Apollo Astronout) lives on Orcas and usually has several of his planes from his Heritage Flight Museum located at Skagit Regional Airport (moved from Bellingham last spring) on the flight line to see. And "The Black Jacks" from Arlington, WA will do their usual formation fly-bys on Saturday. Plus a few of our own local warbird pilots do a couple low passes. Also, the Classic Car Club has their anual get together the same weekend on the south east corner of the airport grounds and the local RC Airplane club does an airshow (though that is about a one mile walk from the airport).
This year Oshkosh is the same weekend so we don't know quite what to expect for the turn-out. In the past we were usually a week later. Usually we've had anywhere from 150 to as many as 220 planes come in. Most come for the day, though many do "camp out under the wing". Camping is allowed on the airport year round, but the fee is waived for the fly-in weekend.
Below are links to the "Port of Orcas" and the "Orcas Chamber of Commerce" web pages if you want info about the airport and the island. I'll be helping park planes, Look for the guy with the "Sundowner N836KT" hat.

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Thanks for posting this event in such great detail. Sounds like an awesome time. I can vouch for the incredible flying experience over to the island, it is spectacular. I'm thinking we can post this as a PacNW fly-in so BAC members can get there points.
So who going to Orcas? Weather looks great so far. I'm going to try and make it for Saturday afternoon.
Pic of leaving Orcas last year when we visited:

Jack, that's Orcas of the wing, correct?
The weather forecast looks pretty good. There may be some morning low clouds over the Straits of Juan deFuca and the Chelalis Gap (south of Olympia) but in general it looks like we'll need sunscreen and a hat.
Provided there is no marine layer, we are going to try and make it there by 11:30. Are there any notams available?
There will be a TFR around Seattle for the Blue Angels air show at Sea Fair, but there's no notam for the fly-in here except that the heli-pad is closed for the weekend. It'll probably be light, northerly winds in the morning and early afternoon then switch to southerly in the late afternoon.
Right traffic for RW34, left for 16. We will have someone on the CTAF giving advisoreries as needed.
We had a good turn out today. About 40 planes came in for the fly-in, 28 stayed and are camping overnight. We expect about 100 tomorrow but probably only another 25 or so camping (based on past experience).
Jack, thanks for the heads up in the TFR. Is a straight in approach from the south to kors faux pas? Anyway, we'll be looking for the N836KT hat.
Had a nice time at the Orcas Flyin, looking forward to next time. Thanks again Jack for being the welcoming committee, see you soon at BACFest!
Sorry I didn't get to spend more time visiting. I lost count of how many planes I help park today. But at least I waived as you taxied by for takeoff. I heard late this afternoon that at one point we had 112 planes on the field.
Glad it was busy, ton of beeches, lots of bo's, loved seeing the formation low passes! Saw a Sierra from Canada too;
