NW June Fly-in to Northern Oregon


Climbing to Cruise
We are on a roll now!!  Everyone enjoyed the May fly-out to Salem so well, we are going for a repeat performance on June 5th in the gorge!
Come one, come all, and join fellow NW Bac’ers in Hood River Oregon @ 11:00 am. We will gather at the Northwest transient parking area at 11:00. Then walk across the road, to directly under the departure end of RWY 25 where Twin Peaks will serve up our lunches.
The Western Antique Aeroplane & Automobile (WAAM) located on the field is open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. for those who would like to visit the museum.
If you plan on joining us, reply to this notice or contact me directly so I can alert Twin Peaks as to our total numbers.
I wasn't able to make the last one due to a scheduling conflict, but I'm planning on attending this one. It'll be the furthest away from my home airport I've ever flown, but I've got to stretch my wings, so to speak.
Hi Nevada!  Glad to hear you will make your way down from the Seattle area to join us for lunch.  Hoping for a beautiful flying day!  
The forecast for Saturday in my local area is clouds and rain. We'll have to wait and see, of course, but it's looking increasingly like the typical Pacific Northwest pattern of nice weather during the week, and crappy on the weekend, will hold true.
Hi Nevada.

I have been watching the forecast improve and then decline for the last few days!  As you said... typical NW weather!  I will be directly contacting all of you that have expressed interest in this flyout by tomorrow (Friday 6/4/21) so we can discuss options of proceeding with the date or delaying it a week.  If anyone is still on the fence about attending, please notify me here or by direct email/text so that you can be informed about the final verdict!  I've got your contact info Ken, so we will be in touch!




Forecast currently for 4S2 at 10am Saturday is showing winds 280 13-19kts, 6+ Vis, Scattered above 12K. So that's about 8-9kts crosswind component for 25. Depends on everyone's comfort level and how close that forecast is. I'd imagine the ride over the hills will be a bit on the bumpy side. 

Weather to the north seems to be much worse. Rain and ceilings in the 4K range. Probably not a great option for anyone coming in from the North. 

East looks even more windy but clear skys. Gotta love the Northwest weather. So while my flight from McMinnville would be totally doable - not so much for others. 
KMMV Forecast for tomorrow morning is now Broken 4K which would be a no go depending on how far that ceiling goes to the northeast. Looks similar to the north. Bummer deal unless things change. 
The weather forecast is looking more and more iffy the closer we get. Curently, Weather Underground has the forecast for both Snohomish and Hood River as "Mostly cloudy".
Damon, Nevada, Ken, Craig and everyone else that was contemplating tomorrows flyout to Hood River, it appears the weather gods have decided the Northwest needs more rain to fill the lakes and reservoirs for our summer enjoyment.  I hate to do it but we will have other opportunities to meet and socialize as the summer warms (and dries) up. 

The June 12th flyout to 4S2- Hood River, is cancelled.

Thank you all for your interest, we will see you all real soon!




So it looks like the weather defied the forecast, at least up here in my area, and it turned out to be a lovely day. Predicting the weather around here, even a couple days in advance, is far more an art than a science, it seems.

Oh well, it will happen, I'll just have to be patient. I still got to go flying today, and I got to meet a couple of other pilots whose planes are in hangars near mine.