Northwest Flyout 4S2 Hood River Oregon this Saturday 2/12/2022


Climbing to Cruise
The calender may say February however it feels like Spring here in the Northwest! Lets take advantage of the record breaking warm days and clear skies by gathering for a fly-out to Western Antique Aeroplane and Automobile Museum's (WAAAM) Second Saturday in Feb. @ 4S2 Hood River airport.  That is this Saturday, Feb. 12 2022.
Meet fellow BACers @ 10:30 am and as usual BAC will by your lunch @ 11:00.
Reply here if you are planning to attend, or text John Foster @ (541) 693-4530
Damon, Craig, Nevada and I enjoyed blue skies, pulled pork sandwiches and classic antique vehicles in Hood River Oregon (4S2) for the Northwest regions first Fly-in of 2022.  WAAAM (Western Antique Aeroplane and Automobile Museum) just received their 1929 Ford TriMotor one week ago to add to their collection, so we gathered to help welcome this beauty to their fleet!

The usually unpredictable weather here in the Northwest cleared for a beautiful weekend that begged for flying, and we listened.

Thank you BAC for buying our lunches! For those who couldn’t make it, watch the events calender for our next fly-in.
Thanks to John for setting this up. This is my first BAC fly-in. It's also the farthest I've flown my airplane in one leg and the first time I've landed in another state. This is the kind of thing I purchased my airplane for.

Here are a few more pictures of the Trimotor. What an amazing piece of aviation history.

Nevada said
Thanks to John for setting this up. This is my first BAC fly-in. It's also the farthest I've flown my airplane in one leg and the first time I've landed in another state. This is the kind of thing I purchased my airplane for.

Here are a few more pictures of the Trimotor. What an amazing piece of aviation history.


That's fantastic! Get out and exercise that Mouse!