Montauk KMTP Long Island Fly In - Friday July 14th, 2023


Around The Moon
I have been in touch with Montauk Airport and have scheduled a Fly In for Friday July 14th from 11:00 til 2:00 PM. Since it will be in season, there are lots of restaurant options, but I would also be happy to take orders for Sandwiches that I could deliver along with snacks and soft drinks & water. Rain day will be Monday the 17th.  
Gin beach cafe across the street is a great lunch spot - right on the harbor. It's newly opened and become pretty popular, you'd do well to check in when you have a good idea of the number of folks if you want to do that and make an arrangement - the airport has, as I remember, one lone picnic table in the sun and is not otherwise a very nice place to hang out. Tiny shack of an 'FBO',  lots of blacktop and REAL hot
I figured you have plenty of room on you Deck Dan! 

In any case, the landing fee is $40.00 this season. There will not be a parking charge on top of this unless you stay over night. So anyone who wants to come earlier and / or leave later, will not be hot with another cost. 
I tend bar at Cappelletti's Italian Grill in Noyac (Sag Harbor) New York. Although their Foccacia Sandwiches are expensive. (Approximately $19.00 with tax), they feed two to three. By the evening of the 13th, we should know what the weather will be. If anyone is interested in a half or third (or even a full one of these), check out the web site and let me know before the 13th and I can have them made and bring them.

rkittine said
I tend bar at Cappelletti's Italian Grill in Noyac (Sag Harbor) New York. Although their Foccacia Sandwiches are expensive. (Approximately $19.00 with tax), they feed two to three. By the evening of the 13th, we should know what the weather will be. If anyone is interested in a half or third (or even a full one of these), check out the web site and let me know before the 13th and I can have them made and bring them.


I'm headed to Europe with SWIMBO -- no sandwiches for me. 
I'm looking forward to Montauk next FRIDAY. This is an experimental weekday fly-in. In lieu of lunch BAC will settle the landing fees of MEMBER airplanes. So, a sandwich may be handy to have along in case we don't go luxury.

Place: Montauk Airport (KMTP) on the most easterly tip of Long Island, New York. 11am. Friday July 14, 2023.

Bob Kittine is the organizer.
The morning weather along the coast has been improving. We are looking forward to VFR flying next FRIDAY July 14, 2023 at Montauk, New York. BAC will cover the landing fee. Bring a sandwich just in case. KMTP. 11am. Bob Kittine gets credit for being the organizer.
Tom, You should get all the credit for staying on top of this. Weather permitting, I plan on being there at 11:00 this Friday. 
MONTAUK, NEW YORK fly-in scheduled for Friday July 14, 2023 is POSTPONED.

Every weather forecast has the word thunderstorms is the text. Our fly-in would occupy a brief window in the forecast which suggests some VFR squeezed between scud.

Bob Kittine made the call. He is the organizer and he will set an alternate date for a reschedule. Thanks for the effort Bob.
I am working on a new date. I think after Labor Day would be the best, so maybe the Friday after. I will look at the extended forecast and talk to Neil at Montauk. 

Do we still want to try a Friday one?
Looks like Dan mike have his Mouse back in two weeks, so time to reschedule a Montauk fly in. Also looks like N60021 is being totaled by the insurance underwriter and might be replaced (sorry guys) with a Cirrus. I am soon off to Cirrus school to become a certified Cirrus instructor. 
Al the insurance needs to see is that the repair estimate (approved by the adjuster) in in excess of 80% of the stated Hull Value and they get to total the plane by just paying off the full stated Hull value. You can than try to buy the plane back if you want to and pay the difference to get it fixed.

In this case, the plane was dropped in hard enough to get a prop strike of a three blade prop with better ground clearance, damage the nose gear, bend the firewall and do some additional damage to one main gear as the plane went off the pavement into wet grass. It then took out a landing light which put a rip in the skin underneath the cabin. 

As you will find out with all aircraft, repairs can get very expensive. 
Just to clarify a point for others, the three blade conversion does not offer any additional ground clearance. For the C24R, the prop clearance is identical to the original.

In fact, when the conversion is applied to a B24R, the ground clearance is actually reduced by one inch. The BlacMac is a 76” prop, and the Hartzell on the B24R is a 74”.