Lambert's Throwed Rolls - KSIK - Saturday, June 22, 2013


Flight Levels
It's time again for the annual lunchtime food feast at Lambert's in Sikeston, MO. Plan to arrive at KSIK by 11:30 AM Central time on Saturday, June 22. We'll call for the van at 11:45 and plan on lunch at noon. Throwed rolls for everyone! Any questions, call Brad Mitchell at 859-707-6039.
Attendance for Saturday is beginning to take shape. So far the following have expressed an intent to be there:
Mike & Linda Nielsen
Mike & Barb Ryan
Steve Powers
Brad & Ann Mitchell
Good morning all,
I am planning on attending also and I have invited 2 members to travel with me, also I have invited a couple of other friends who drive a Cessna. This won't problem will it?
The more the merrier, Tim. A friend of mine will be in his Archer. I just told him to park way down the ramp from us! :)
It is great that you invited friends who don't drive Mice. The BAC has is a great group of people and has such a great thing going that they will both enjoy the event and add to it as well. Next thing ya know...they'll decide to be mouse drivers.....LOL! I think more of our members should invite their non-Beech friends to come to our fly-ins.
It's looking like 15 and possibly more for tomorrow. Come one come all. There will be plenty of throwed rolls.
Fifteen people enjoyed a great time at Lambert's today. Attending were:
Brad and Ann Mitchell
Mike and Linda Nielsen
Buddy and Barbara Ryan
Denis and Kathryn Weiser
John Redmon
Tim Vangundy
Ron and Joelene Drake
Jay Bruce
David and Laura Harvey
Thanks to all that attended.
With a little help from Kansas City Center we navigated around the thunder storms by St Louis and had a good flight home. Thanks to Brad and everyone that attended for a fun event.
Denis and Kathryn
I chose to spend the night in Vincennse because of weather, but I had a great time. Thanks to everyone for being so kind to my Cessna friends.
Linda and I left M34 at 1 p.m. and with the aid of ADS-B we went around the south end of a line of thunderstorms in eastern Kansas. We refueled at Allan County Airport in Kansas for $4.74/gal, borrowed their courtesy car and had supper in Iola, KS. Throughout the weekend high temperatures everywhere were in the low 90's. When we got home to KMCK it was 82F. on the other side of the cold front. We have storms coming tonight and are glad to be home with the plane in the hangar. We had great food at Lambert's and had a great time both in Sikeston and Kentucky Lakes. Whatta great group of people! Thanks Brad for putting this together and having everything so perfectly lined up.
Brad, 2 thumbs way up. By and far one of the best places to go when you don't have any particular place to be and just want to go fly. I think that the line boy struck gold too, everyone in our group (except 2 planes maybe) took fuel. Looked like a run on a gas station right out of the '70s, planes lined up waiting for a turn.

Glad everyone made it back home....eventually! Our flight back to Lexington was uneventful and had a nice 10 knot push most of the way. Everyone mark their calendars for mid-June 2014 and we'll do it again. I tried to upload the group photo, but couldn't get the pixels downsized enough to be clear enough to see. Thanks again for everyone coming. I know we all spent more than $100 to have a great lunch, but the camaraderie and shared stories made up the difference.
Here's the group photo from Sikeston:
Front row left to right: Joelene Smith-Drake, Ann Mitchell, Linda Nielsen, Jay Bruce, Laura Harvey, Kathryn Weiser
Back row left to right: Ron Drake, Tim Vangundy, Brad Mitchell, Mike Nielsen, John Redmon, David Harvey, Mike (Buddy) Ryan, Denis Weiser
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