July 28 - 11:00 am - BBQ lunch - KAQO - Llano, TX

trumpet nelson

Around The Moon
Meet on Saturday, July 28th at Llano, Texas - KAQO

Plan to arrive about 10:30 am to 11:00 am and we'll head over to Cooper's BBQ at 11:15 Your host (trumpet nelson) will spring for lunch with the help of BAC's reimbursement policy. Dude! Let's talk airplanes and enjoy some very good food. Crew cars are typically available, and we can grade the landings from the front porch of the FBO. Hey - - a good reason to arrive early!! :D

My cell phone if needed - 210-834-1991
Nelson Amen
Nelson, sorry I can't make it. A long drive or a short flight... plane still doesn't fly. Someday it will...

I would love to be there, but it’s an important anniversary date for the GF and I. Sorry, I want to support you as SCRD!!! Keep posting these. I will make it to one of them.
Not to rob from the BBQ get together, But the restaurant at the Brenham (11R) airport is reopening starting this Saturday! Limited hours and days as they train the staff! Friday, Saturday and Sunday 11-3 pm.
WooHoo for all us Texas flyers!
Brenham is good news. We'll have to show them some love - I hope it works out.

For Lllano right now it looks like just Nelson and myself for affirmatives. Forecast for Llano is 91F at 11a and 97F at 1p. Not the greatest flying weather but nothing in Texas is from June to September :-). Winds show shifting from SW to SE in the 11-1 window but < 10 kts all day.

Google shows Cooper's opens at 1030a so I can shoot for the early side of that window for the heat.

Or if you think we'll melt and were praying for a cold front let me know...not going to happen this week.

See you there. I plan to be wheels up here in San Antonio at 9:15 am. So - - - sitting on the porch by 10:30 am .... in the shade at the FBO.

Nelson 210-834-1991
Good times .... and plenty warm. Mark and I enjoyed lunch.

- look behind Mark in the ramp photo. A mystery Sierra arrived about 11:30 am while we were already at lunch. Left a voice message on the owner's phone, but missed meeting up with them.
- those are not antlers growing out of trumpet's head ....
- last photo - at home, and how I dealt with that sore knee and broken step

Next south central fly-in WILL involve cooler weather ..... :eek:


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