JP's Barbeque Ribs & Chicken - Bolton Field (KTZR) Columbus, OH - June 16, 2018

John would love to come but both my wife and my dog are scheduled for surgery this week
Hope to see you in Tullahoma the end of month
Fred, I hope the surgeries for Steffi and your dog go well this week. I will not be in Tullahoma for the fly-in. I am scheduled to work that weekend. I will be taking off work for Beech Party. I hope to see you and Steffi then if not sooner.
John, Joe, Harvey, Curt and Jane......see you tomorrow. I may be just a tad late due to an early commitment, but should arrive around 12:15. Don't eat all the ribs before I get there!
Thanks John for arranging the fly-in. It was a great day to fly and 8 of us got to enjoy the ribs & chicken at Bolton Field.
Bolton Field June 2018.jpg
Clockwise from bottom left: Glenn Ellerbe, Harvey & Christian Haag, Joe Kirby, Brian Rodgers, Brad Mitchell, John Redmon and Teri Ellerbe.
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