JP's Barbeque Ribs & Chicken - Bolton Field (KTZR) Columbus, OH - June 1, 2019

John, weather permitting, I plan to be there by 11:45 on June 1. Here's a picture of last year's attendees.

Bolton Field June 2018.jpg
Yes, it was a nice day to fly and chowing down on racks of ribs with fellow BACers made it an even better day. Thanks John for scheduling and thanks Brian, Joe, Natalie and Matt for flying into Columbus.
Dang, a missed opportunity. Didn't see this until after the fact. :( Recently relocated from Vero Beach FL to Georgetown OH--would have been a great flight and great chance to meet some super people. BBQ and BAC, it couldn't have been better.
Thanks Brad for posting your pictures. Yes, it was a good day to fly. It has been a very wet rainy Spring here in the Midwest. We were fortunate to have a sunny dry day. We had (3) member aircraft on the field. Two Sundowners and one Sierra. A friend of Brad's joined us and flew up in his Cozy IV. Great food as always. Looking forward to next year.

Pictured from left to right.Brian Rodgers, John Redmon, Matt Bunch, Natalie Kirby, Joe Kirby, and Brad Mitchell.

