JP's Barbecue Bolton Field (KTZR) Columbus, OH - July 25, 2020

John, I plan to be there and hope to have our newest BAC member from Kentucky, Wayne Hall, with me.
See you Saturday.

JPs is in my backyard but looks like I may be a no-show. Put the plane in for an annual a month early due to high oil temps. Looks like a bad vernatherm. If we stay close this weekend I may drive over.
If anyone is flying in from west of Indiana, Ohio is EDT, so an hour later than CDT. Plan accordingly!

Wish you could have made it Tom. Excellent day to fly. We had (2) Sierras, (1) Sundowner, and (1) Christian Eagle on the field today. Dan Rothe and Nina Rossini flew all the way from (KTAZ) Taylorville, IL. Which is near Springfield. I met Dan and Nina for the first time at Oshkosh last year at our Ice Cream Social and BAC Picnic. It was nice to see you both again. Brad Mitchell flew in from 27K Georgetown, KY with one of our newest members, Wayne Hall. It was nice to meet you Wayne! A friend of Brad's also based at 27K Cameron Grossl flew in with his Christian Eagle. I met Cameron for the first time at one of our fly-ins at (KBAK) Columbus, IN in 2018. Thanks to all that attended. We all wore face masks except when it was time to eat. If you never been I highly recommend going to JP's Barbecue. Carol, sure could use the business and it is important for us to keep any restaurant that we can fly to open.

Who's behind the mask?


Dan Rothe's Sierra



JP's Ribs were excellent, as always! Social distancing and eating outside under the umbrellas were a must. Thank goodness for the breeze!
