JP\'s Barbecue Bolton Field (KTZR) Columbus, OH - June 10, 2023

Steve Barlow texted me a little bit ago and said he and his wife Colleen will be there tomorrow.  Anyone else planning to attend?
On Saturday, we had a good turn out four attendees.  Three members and one guest.  Flight visibility was not the best with the smoke in the air from the fires in Canada.  Especially if you were headed East like I was into the sun.  That made it even worse.  We had three Sierras on the field.  In attendance were Steve and Colleen Barlow, Glenn Ellerbe, and John Redmon.  It had been a while since I have seen Glenn.  It was nice to talk and catch up.  Going back home was a bit rough with thermals.  Picked up quite a few bugs on the way back too.  I am still having issues with uploading pictures.  Until this is resolved I will not be able to post any.  Next fly-in will be at the Corsair Cafe located in the terminal building on Hulman Field (KHUF) Terre Haute, IN.  I hope to see you there.  