Hangar 5 Restaurant – Columbus, Indiana (KBAK) – Saturday – September 25, 2021


Flight Levels
Cancelled: Weather is not cooperating for our fly-in today.  Rescheduling for tomorrow Sunday 9/26/21 at 11:00am EDT.  


Join us for lunch at the Blackerby’s Hangar 5 Restaurant located on the field. Arrive by 11:00am EDT for lunch. They do serve breakfast all day.  The museum on the field is free if you would like to take a tour either before or after lunch.



The museum website is:

I grew up in Bloomington and started my career at the Monroe County Airport working for TorpAero. My mom and dad had a commercial garbage company with two way radio communication to the trucks and the base station at our house. We had a 150 ft tower in our backyard and I would climb half way up and set in the middle and watch the C-119’’s drop flairs at night for the ground troops to practice gunnery. I was a lot braver in my younger days! 
Forecast is for rain in the morning.  We will have to see what it looks like tomorrow.  Anyone planning on attending?
Nice to hear from you Dan.  Currently I'm IFR at KMQJ with Moderate turbulence forecasted below 16,000.  I'm going to go ahead and cancel the fly-in for today.  Rescheduling for tomorrow at the same time.  
Weather is not cooperating for our fly-in today.  Rescheduling for tomorrow Sunday 9/26/21 at 11:00am EDT.  
Weather is looking much better for today.  Please do me a favor.  If you are planning to attend today's fly-in.  Either post on this forum, call or text me.  I would like to get a head count.  Sundays tend to be a bit busier.  I will arrive early to reserve our table.  Thank you.


Good day to fly.  Columbus was busy as I approached the towered airport.  CAP was on the field along with an EAA Young Eagles flight rally.  Lot of traffic but was easy to get in.  No notice on the Columbus airport website.  We had three Sierras on the field today.  Dan Rothe flew in from KTAZ near Springfield, IL along with 3 guests.  John Turchi flew in from Metro (KUMP) and I from Indy Regional (KMQJ).  Very short flight for both of us.  Started making plans for the next fly-in for Oct.  Due to my work schedule looking like the first weekend after BACFest.  

Dan Rothe arriving in his Sierra.

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Three nice looking Sierras

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Pictured are John Turchi, Amelia, Elizabeth, and Israel Clayton, and Dan Rothe

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