Hangar 5 Restaurant – Columbus, Indiana (KBAK) – Saturday – May 21, 2022


Flight Levels
Cancelled: Weather is not cooperating for our fly-in today.  Rescheduling for tomorrow Sunday 5/22/22 at 11:00am EDT.  


Join us for lunch at the Blackerby’s Hangar 5 Restaurant located on the field. Arrive by 11:00am EDT for lunch. They do serve breakfast all day.  The museum on the field is free if you would like to take a tour either before or after lunch.



The museum website is:

Weather is looking questionable for flying tomorrow.  I still want to make it to Columbus (KBAK) and meet any member that wants to have lunch.  Catch up on what has been happening since this is our first fly-in for 2022.  I will drive down since it is a short trip if the weather does not cooperate.  Anyone planning on attending.?     
I was planning on going with Curt, but as he stated, Weather is going to be an issue... Really wanted to attend... 
Curt and John, nice to hear from you both.  If no one is able to attend tomorrow because of the weather and unable to drive as alternative.  I will reschedule for Sunday as our rain day.  I will let everyone know more tomorrow morning.  
Mouseflyer said
Currently Looking like Thunderstorms in the afternoon and marginal visibility.

Catch up with you another day.

Looks that way... Thunderstorms on top of me (literally) right now and moving in that direction. Today does not look good at all from this standpoint!

Weather is not cooperating for our fly-in today.  Rescheduling for tomorrow Sunday 5/22/22 at 11:00am EDT. 

Starting to rain here in central Indiana.  Thunderstorms are on their way.  AIRMETs for LLWS and Turbulence 3,000 - 10,000.  Tomorrow so far is looking better.  I know a few of you can't make tomorrow because of graduations.  Looking forward to seeing those that can make it.  
Note sure what happened there.  I added a reply to your post Steve and it now appears in your post and in my post.  
Weather forecast shows improving conditions from now and throughout the day.  I will be driving today.  Other things to do afterwards.  So, I will be there.   
Today was a much better day.  We had only one plane on the ramp a Sierra flown by Steve Barlow.  Steve flew in from Mansfield, OH (KMFD).  He brought fellow member Rob Lyall along with their wives Colleen Barlow and Elida Lyall.  John Redmon drove in.  Sundays are busier at Hangar 5 Restaurant due to the after church crowd.  The wait was surprisingly not very long.  Food was good and we had the best server at our table.  I fly to Hangar 5 quite often since it is a 20 minute flight from my home base at Indy Regional (KMQJ).  I must say Kim our server was great.  We talked about the upcoming fly-ins for the East Central Region, BACFest, and Beech Party.  Special note:  Today is Rob's birthday.  He is 47.  I met Rob for the first time last year at Bolton Field (KTZR) for JP's Barbecue.  He wasn't a member yet.  Rob joined BAC last November.  Let's all wish Rob a Happy Birthday and thank him for becoming a member. 

Steve Barlow arriving in his Sierra.

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Pictured are:  Steve and Colleen Barlow, Elida and Rob Lyall.

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Thanks for organizing the fly-in and all your work as EC Regional Director.  We all had a great time at Hangar 5 - food was great, service was even better and a good time was had by all.  We're looking forward to attending more of your fly-ins and BAC events.

For the rest of the story, Rob Lyall just earned his pilot's wings about a year ago and he joined me as guest for the JP's BBQ/Bolton Field fly-in last year.  Well it didn't take him long to realize how much he liked the general aviation experience and BAC comradery.  So he decided to partner up with me as co-owner of Sierra N4341W and join BAC.  He's definitely a nice addition to the club!  We're based at Ashland County Airport, 3G4, just a stone's throw away from KMFD.  
Happy Birthday Rob!

Steve Barlow, great to see you and Colleen out and about. 

looks like you had a good time…..