Grass Valley, CA (KGOO) - Saturday May 18, 2024


Attention Southwest Region members. I became aware of an Armed Forces Day Celebration and Airport Open House at the Grass Valley Airport in Northern California (KGOO) this coming Saturday, May 18. The event is posted to last from 8 AM to 4 PM. If you are based in Northern California or Northern Nevada, this should be a convenient location, and the weather should be favorable (for a change!.) I plan to arrive around 10 AM and leave after lunch. Let's see if we can get a few BAC members there.

Here's the link to the event:

Hope to see some members there.
Count me in Doug! Weather is still holding out here on the West coast, I'm going to take advantage of it while I can!
See you Saturday morning! 😁
I hope you all have a great time. I would really enjoy driving up for this event (not that far for me) to enjoy some one-on-one BAC time. Unfortunately, I am scheduled for a Southern California trip over this weekend and will wind up on the wrong end of the state.
Unfortunately, my plans have changed for Saturday and it looks like I will not make it this time. So John, hope you can represent the club there. I'll post another announcement for another California fly in quite soon.
It was a great day for flying and enjoying Nevada County airports open house! The sights and sounds were continuous. The sunshine and high 70's felt pretty good too! 😎


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