Fly In to Minden Tahoe (KMEV) August 5


Attention Southwest Region Members - Its been a while since we had a fly-in.  We are planning a fly-in to the Minden-Tahoe (Nevada) Airport on Saturday morning, August 5 for breakfast.  Since its usually hot this time of year, and thunderstorms may build over the mountains and deserts in the afternoon, we'll try and make the flight at the optimal time of day for summertime flying.

Meet up transient parking across from the Taildragger Cafe starting at 8:00, and we'll head inside by 8:30 for breakfast.  Look for my Sundowner - N60003 in transient.

Note:  If you haven't been to Minden before, you might want to check out this website:  Minden can be busy on weekends with skydive and glider tow operations going on from this field.  Avoid the northeast corner of the airport, as that's where the skydive folks land.  Its recommended to stay west of US 395 until joining the pattern.

Reply in the forum, or PM me if you plan to come, just so we have an idea of how many can make the event.

Doug Faucette - BAC Southwest Regional Director


 Sounds like a great time, but unfortunately I won't be able to make this Saturday.


Hi Roy,

Weather is supposed to be ideal for this time of year this weekend.  Last year, this airport had IFR conditions with smoke from multiple fires in the adjacent Sierra Nevada mountains, so quite fortunate none of that around here this year.

I know its a bit of a stretch for you to come this far.  We'll look for a fly-in destination closer to you (and So Cal members) later in the year when its not quite so hot.
We had the fly in to Miden Tahoe on Saturday August 5.  There was haze layer creating MVFR conditions overnight, but the field went to clear and 10 miles visibility just before I left my home base at KFLX.   I was the only plane in attendance this time.  Oh well, we will try for another fly-in later in the year, when its a bit cooler.  After reaching Minden, I encountered a balloon off the departure end of Runway 34.  The balloon pilot was apologetic for intruding into the flight path of departing aircraft (there was one plane in the pattern - an Aztec - practicing engine out procedures.)  His wind evidently gave out and left him floating off the end of the runway.  Otherwise, it was an uneventful day of flying with smooth flying conditions.
