Fly-in breakfast


In The Pattern
Just a reminder that I will be hosting a fly-in breakfast at my home airport 61AR which is 44 stat miles from the BAC in Branson on the 24th starting at 9:30 till 11. Our airport is located just south of Gaston's. Hope to see you all there.
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This is during the BAC Board meeting so I don't expect too many board members to be able to attend but we will definitely make the general membership aware of this great opportunity!

If not ... can I be eating breakfast Saturday and use the cell phone to attend the BOD mtg ?? :eek: Ok, just a joke .... I will attend as needed. No problem.
just trying to get a head count on the fly in breakfast I am having Saturday the 24th at my home field 61AR see the the event calendar for full information you can E Mail me at or just reply to post thanks
Hoping everyone returned safely from BACfest. Just an update on the fly-in breakfast at the Valley Airport Saturday the 24th. After some very good feed back on members attending, only one Musketeer was there and it was mine. I live there, I can not understand what happened a lot of good people. I went to a lot of extra work in preparing for the event! On my urging there was a lot extra money spent by me for the occasion. The weather was perfect. I don't see what possibly could have happened. I saw several low wing aircraft fly around the area but no one landed. As you have probably guessed I was very disappointed and you can bet it will not happen again.

Eugene M Sullivan AKA suegene
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There was a carry-over from Friday maintenance clinic going on all Sat morning, as well as a Board of Directors mtg at the same time. And, a few of us decided to return home a day early to be extra cautious of the approaching weather (forecast for Sun).
Hello Eugene,
It was nice meeting you and your friend who owns the Sundowner @ Gastons on Friday. I can appreciate the trouble and preparation put into a Fly -In . Chris Nowak and several of us have been working on the Bacfest weekend for the past year. You rescheduling your fly in to accommodate us was very nice. According to the threads above it would be reasonable to expect several BAC members to be appearing. At Gastons Fly in I remembered recommending you get a head count . We had a Board meeting that Saturday morning ( the hotel was paid for a meeting room ) scheduled back in the spring. As the current club President, that is my chance to meet with the Board face to face to discuss our direction and hear ideas, comments ,suggestions etc.. I didn't deter any of the members from being absent from that meeting. We are all a volunteer non paid group that loves to fly. Rap Mcburney had graciously offered to extend his maintenance briefing on Saturday which might have held some of the members up . I refunded your $85 registration charge (I didn't see you at any of the functions other than Gaston's) I also appreciate you have been a member for a very long time. The club doesn't want anyone being out of pocket on a fly in .Please give me a call at your convenience (855-933-5923 ext 701 )and hopefully we can rectify any misunderstandings and bad feelings. Thanks
John Persinger
Hoping everyone returned safely from BACfest. Just an update on the fly-in breakfast at the Valley Airport Saturday the 24th. After some very good feed back on members attending, only one Musketeer was there and it was mine. I live there, I can not understand what happened a lot of good people. I went to a lot of extra work in preparing for the event! On my urging there was a lot extra money spent by me for the occasion. The weather was perfect. I don't see what possibly could have happened. I saw several low wing aircraft fly around the area but no one landed. As you have probably guessed I was very disappointed and you can bet it will not happen again.

Eugene M Sullivan AKA suegene
Hi Eugene. I fully understand your frustration with this. I have organized a number of fly-ins with widely ranged attendance. One thing I have learned is that it is best to avoid expectations. I have seen a lot of pilots arrive for some out of the way events, and nobody show for a great big, central location. Pilots tend to be "flexible" which really means non-commital in my mind. Although have a no show event is frustrating, it in no way is a criticism of your effort or event. Every member of BAC is important and I know most of us try very hard to show up when and where we agree to show.
Thanks for setting up your event.
No airplanes here in Colorado ..... but my camper van attended the event!! :D

Maybe next year ......

Many apologies to Eugene on the breakfast bust. Shucks.