Flight to Oshkosh 2009


Touring the Galaxy
Guys and Gals of BAC, I haven't discussed this with my boss but, I thought I would feel out this topic first. I wanted to fly to Alaska this year but, I don't want to spend money on the 406 ELT-yet. My alternate thought was a return trip to Oshkosh.(perhaps I can score a cheap 406 for 2010) There are several BACers on the Left coast. We could meet others along the route and do this as a group. The flight would need to be VFR as some of our members are not instrumented rated so, we could have delays arriving. This would be a LOOSE formation. (If we can see each other, that is probably close enough.) The living situation will probably be camping as hotels are as scarce as mouse fur. I am open as to which route to take. A northern route through the Rock Springs Wy area is one a lot of folks use. The southern route offers more landing options. Is there any interest in this?
Disclaimer::: I am not totally committed yet as I haven't discussed this with my wife. So, it is still in the "what if "stage.
LeeAnne and I are planning to attend. Already got rooms in Green Bay and rental car. We plan to depart SLC and go the Wyoming route up to Wisconsin.

Weather permitting, we plan to depart on July 25 and start back on the 29th. We haven't made any enroute reservations but I can tell you, LeeAnne's idea of "roughing it" is the Holiday Inn!

So, pencil me in for the "formation" if my dates work for you.

Chris L.
I will definitely be attending. I am based at KOWA in Southern Minnesota. I'd love to join you if you cared to swing on through!!
Chris, it killed me to use the "C" word, camping. I have to acknowledge that ruffing it for me usually means no room service.

Anyway, if I go I could meet Marshal and we could fly to SL and hook up with you. I'm all for gathering up everyone we can while enroute. Maybe we can get enough 23 and 24's in the air that the radial drivers look up at us.
I haven't talked to Larry Last in a while, but we are still planning a BAC picnic during AirVenture, probably sometime the first half of the week.
I'd like to go, if I can find someone to share expenses. Wife has no inclination to be in an airplane for that long just to go someplace to look at other airplanes. I don't have much in the way of camp gear. Guess I could spend a day at REI.

Marty Vanover
Phoenix, Az.
I'd like to do the same from the SouthEast. But first I'd like to hear from others who have camped there. I'm ready to camp and have done so at other fly-ins but the weather is so unpredictible at OSH that I question that decision.
Dr. Bill
Charlotte, NC
I've already talked my better half into making the journey to Oshkosh this year. We havn't set any dates yet so we could fall in with the formation. Any route is good for me. I figured on going through southern Idaho and due East til I get there. But we could swing south to hook up with the southerners. I was planning on camping with the plane. Hope there are showers. I've never been, has anyone camped at Oshkosh before? How was it?

Bend, OR
They have great showers and lots of Port-O-lets. The only issue is food. The stuff they have there is pricey and not very healthy (that's why I eat so much of it). They also have a store to buy forgotten things.
I'm sure we could catch a ride to a grocery store, and maybe I could squeeze a little barbarque in the back. It doesn't weigh that much...How long is that runway? :shock: Kidding. Hope the weather is good. You know there are little cooking burners that weigh less than an ounce. Designed for backpacking. Small and light weight. Might be good for the Alaska trip as well. I don't really like peanut butter and jelly. How about... toasted ham and cheese. mmmm

Bend, OR
Lawnchair said:
I wouldnt mind coming along if you dont mind a twin tagging along...


The more the better, the only thing is, I'm so jazzed up to go to Alaska after reading that fantastic article by Bob in the last BAC Talk magazine, then add the Oshkosh trip, I'm betting I'll be in the dog house for quite some time ............
Friend of mine refers to the showers as .. great for foot & mouth..

Have to be careful with porta poti time.. I Ended up in one lineup that was at least a good half hour long.

If going into town on the Osh provided bus, when you return, they only stop at designated areas & hopefully that's close to where you're tent is. We were lucky in that the driver broke the rules (had tikes with us..) & stopped fairly close. It was near dawn..

We tried to walk but.. the 'skeeters were all over us. Running as fast as we could the rest of the way ..helped a bit.

I was there on some of the hottest temps on record. After the first day, I developed a rash that felt like sandpaper rubbing in sensitive areas while walking. Apparently quite common (an Osh vet was telling me..) in the heat I heard baby powder does wonders.

At night, lightening & high winds struck (it was ugly..). Didn't matter much how you slept cos ~ 8:00 where i was at, near the end of a runway, a Constellation was running up the engines for mag checks & stuff prior to T/O; ..should see that tri tail shake on the T/O roll..

Turned out a few birds were flipped overnight, so leave the cheezy tie down hooks at home & bring good ones.

Wonderful event that I attended once in a friends Cruisemaster (tiny inside & literally no legroom ..but faaast). When we left Osh, he switched tanks at ~ 3 thou over water, but instead cut the fuel off. Switched back to on & motor barely missed a beat..


A mouse formation in, would be an Osh first! They have a special section for vintage birds but forget what the cutoff year is.