
Orbiting Earth
Land on the ice runway at Alton Bay on Lake Winnepesaukee in New Hampshire.
We meet on the ice at 11am on Saturday February 13, 2021.



This is the signature event for the Beech Aero Club Northeast Region! BAC buys lunch for members. Landing certificate.

This may be your last chance (if the water freezes in 2021) before global warming cancels this forever.

Photos from Tom's camera 2,657 items 917.jpg
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Ok, I have figured out how to respond to a posting.  I don't see an need for "thanks to this post".  Kinda over kill.  Quote?  OK, I get it, useful.  I do like the large window to respond in to posts.  Makes it easier to edit.  However, I do miss the spell check.  Now, back to the topic.

Ice runways are definitely cool (pun intended).  But they will be long gone soon.  The earth likes to be in the "green house mode".  It has been so much more in greeen house mode than in the ice age mode for the last few billion years or so.  From what I have read, we are coming out of an ice age and the planet will get warmer.  I remember lots of snowy winters in the midwest where I grew up.  Not so much anymore, they get snow, but usually gone in a day or two.  I have fond memories of being out of school and playing in the snow for weeks in winter time.  I was not happy being in school during the beginning of summer though.  That type of weather isn't happening back there now.  While I'm sure that there is man caused contribution to the effect, I'm pretty sure ol' Sol is most responsible.  So, for you Nor'Easterns that want to get a logbook entry with a lake landing, you better go now.  There is no guarantee that the water will be firm enough to support your mouse next year.
The good news is - The ice runway is frozen (as of January 16, 2021).

The bad news is - It's not frozen thick enough to use (as of January 16, 2021).

Paul LaRochelle the ice-airport manager says there is about 7" ice on Lake Winnepesauke, NH. He can't begin plowing unless it's 14". There are state mandated operational changes for 2021 and also some COVID regulations. Stay tuned.

Recorded "ATIS" 603 875-3498.

Tom Corcoran
I'm considering an alternate if the ice runway is not available. Maybe Emerson Aviation in Laconia NH (KLCI). Maybe Sanford, Maine (KSFM).

COVID plays a part in the decision. An open restaurant needs to be a factor.

There will be (humble) BAC attendance door prizes for all who attend. 

Get the info Recorded “ATIS” 603 875-3498

A photo of the ice runway was to be here but I couldn't figure out how to do it on this new website!

Tom Corcoran
THE ICE RUNWAY FLY-IN HAS NOT BEEN CANCELED!   -  In spite of what is says as you open the BAC website.

Any cancellation will come from Paul LaRochelle the Airport Manager who prepares this official message Recorded “ATIS” 603 875-3498


Tom Corcoran
corcoran said
I'm considering an alternate if the ice runway is not available. Maybe Emerson Aviation in Laconia NH (KLCI). Maybe Sanford, Maine (KSFM).

COVID plays a part in the decision. An open restaurant needs to be a factor.

There will be (humble) BAC attendance door prizes for all who attend. 

Get the info Recorded “ATIS” 603 875-3498

A photo of the ice runway was to be here but I couldn't figure out how to do it on this new website!

Tom Corcoran

How about if we go to LCI, we get some tokens for classic American arcades? (Looks like 5 miles from LCI)



so far, the ice appears to be building nicely. We just need to control weather and wind.
Wednesday recording says they hope to plow Thursday, Feb 4 and may be able to open the ice runway in 4 to 5 days.


Can anyone in the area recommend which area airports would likely have overnight heated hangar capabilities, or for a second choice, preheat?  Overnight will be single digit temps.
Try Emerson Aviation at Laconia Airport (6 miles from Alton Bay). They have hosted BAC fly-ins before.


Feb 5 recording update:

Ice runway is still closed but ice continues to thicken.  Parking apron and first 2/3 of runway (iceway?) are plowed.  The last 1/3 of the runway is the deeper part of the lake so it will take a few more days to thicken enough for plowing.  They hope to open in about 5 days.
My personal plan is to fly to the ICE RUNWAY on Saturday by 11:00am. I have friends ice fishing on a nearby lake and drop important supplies to them every year.

If we can land on the ice we will have a Covid sensitive gathering as-best-we-can. A group lunch will be impossible. There will be BAC incentives on the ice for being there. These include some very eclectic (not to be confused with valuable) items. Maybe BEECH BUM Tshirts for members. Always something for your guests.

As has been the custom, you will get an official certificate from BAC for participating any time this winter. If you landed on the ice just tell me. (mediareps@aol.com) even if it is not February 13. 

Paul LaRochelle, the B18 ice airport manager decides. Call 603 875-3498 for the recorded open/not open announcement. Try it now!

See you in New Hampshire.


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BACers... send an email request to me at (mediareps@aol.com) and I will send you my cellphone number. Include your cell number for me to call you. I expect to be on the ice on Saturday February 13th by 11:00am. Getting together as a group may be difficult so at least we can try to acknowledge each other's presence. If no answer I may be airborne. Try again.

The closest alternate would be Emerson Aviation at KLCI, Laconia... about 7 miles from Alton Bay. Linda Emerson has given this message as to gathering there:

Good afternoon Tom,

We would look forward to seeing you and your group. Our self serve is at the end of taxiway Echo and over at hangar side. We have lobbies at both locations. Please have the pilots call into Emerson Aviation on 123.0. I will let Ellen and the lineman know you may be coming.

Kind Regards,

Linda Emerson

There is no restaurant at Laconia and we have no official BAC events planned. Bringing a sandwich may be the only official "Purina Pilot Chow" available. You can get fuel at Emerson. You may find another BACer there.


Note: This is the Winter festival weekend at Alton Bay. Literally hundreds of pilots are waiting for the runway to open. Be flexible as you may not be able to land. Remember, a "Go Around" is always an approved maneuver. As parking is always tight we consider a touch-and-go as an ice landing. 
Tom Corcoran, White Sundowner with green stripes. N5162M
Ice runway is open as of this morning and plowed.


Runway is 2,600' x 125' 


Now just turn the crank on the weather machine to make it blue sky.
I've been watching closely and planning to attend Saturday, but getting out of VA will be unlikely for the next few days.  I still plan to get there before it thaws.  Temps look good at least for the next week.
The Ice Runway fly-in is tomorrow.

We have an official alternate: EMERSON AVIATION at Laconia Airport (KLCI). Fuel, warm lodge. I will stay at Emerson until 12:30pm... unless I am still on the ice. BAC fly-in goodies will be given at Emerson. 

EXPECT A "CLUSTER" EVENT! You may have to back taxi after landing. At this time there is NO PLOWED TAXIWAY. There are hundreds of pilots of varying abilities waiting for this day. All may be arriving together on Saturday as Sunday weather is predicted for light snow. Airplane parking is very limited. Everyone is doing his/her own thing.

SUGGESTION: Do a touch-and-go and then fly 7 miles to KLCI. A touch-and-go is a landing. You MUST land south to north on Runway 01. Or, go to KLCI first and land on the ice when there is less traffic early afternoon.

Watch the video below.

(20+) Alton Bay Seaplane Base and Ice Runway | Facebook

Bring your own pilot chow. Restaurants at Alton Bay are very busy. Long waits. Plane watchers eat there too!

Tom Corcoran  781 843-4321

N5162M White Sundowner, green stripes.
The Ice Runway Fly-in for 2021 was a huge success.

Rob Staab from Sussex, New Jersey (mouseflyer) won the prize for flying the longest distance to Alton Bay, New Hampshire. Rob also won the prize for best landing on the ice.

The landing technique needed, because of no taxiway to make the 180 to get to parking, was for four airplanes to land and roll out to the very end of the runway. Then all four airplanes would back taxi at the same time while dozens of various planes stayed in an improvised holding pattern on final south of the runway.

There were times when the parking was full and planes could not land until others departed. It fulfilled the advance billing of a genuine "cluster" operation. However, it was impressive to see that the arriving pilots did all the controlling on their own without official help except for parking. Everybody was nice and the language was all "G" rated aviation talk. As of this writing no one bumped into anyone else.

Representatives of the New Hampshire Department of Transportation helped keep order on the ground. Parking assistance was provided by local volunteers. Beech Aero Club made a contribution (as usual) to help defray the cost of plowing. 

Several BAC style airplanes were seen parked and others were in the air. Due to the quick arrivals and departures the count of participants won't be calculated for a while. 

The ice runway will remain open for your use as long as the ice remains safe. Come up during the week if you like. You get a BAC certificate any day you land on the ice.

Tom Corcoran