Corsair Cafe - Terre Haute, IN (KHUF) - Saturday - November 20, 2021

Boy does this bring back memories!

I was based out of KHUF back in the 80's when I worked for Britt Airways flying the Beech 99, Metro and Fairchild FH227's. I was in the training department and ate at the restaurant often......every 6 to 8 weeks the company had a new flight attendant class start so we would go have lunch with them. Just say'n.... hehehe!
Somebody take some pics to share for us working stiffs that have to work Saturdays! Thanks in advance.... Look forward to meet you guys sometime!
Sitting here bored at work and watching Flight Aware... Saw N2009U depart and watching him fly across Illinois, Looks like he was having fun or something in the sky! I think he is trying to draw an old Skeleton Key... For the old fokes who may remember that... Obviously having fun in the sky...

I ended up driving.  I had the plane pulled out and ready to go.  I kept studying the weather between me and Terre Haute.  Rain was just beginning to arrive at Hulman Field.  Clouds were scattered at 4500 with higher above.  I checked one more time and an AIRMET popped up for Icing between 2,000' - 20,000' MSL.  I decided it was not worth the risk.  Put the plane back in the hangar and started driving.  I had a few sprinkles on the way out but no rain and the clouds were above 12,000.  The precipitation that I was seeing on radar was just in the clouds.  What I should have done was used the Radar (Lowest Tilt) feature on ForeFlight and compared it to the composite.  It would have given me a better picture of what was actually reaching the ground.  It was nice and sunny for the drive back to Indy.

Aviator_ said
I ended up driving.  I had the plane pulled out and ready to go.  I kept studying the weather between me and Terre Haute.  Rain was just beginning to arrive at Hulman Field.  Clouds were scattered at 4500 with higher above.  I checked one more time and an AIRMET popped up for Icing between 2,000' - 20,000' MSL.  I decided it was not worth the risk.  Put the plane back in the hangar and started driving.  I had a few sprinkles on the way out but no rain and the clouds were above 12,000.  The precipitation that I was seeing on radar was just in the clouds.  What I should have done was used the Radar (Lowest Tilt) feature on ForeFlight and compared it to the composite.  It would have given me a better picture of what was actually reaching the ground.  It was nice and sunny for the drive back to Indy.


Made it safe... that is the important thing... that is one of those Coin Flips... Reminds me of the solo Flight that I mention here before... "There is No Chance of weather for you today, it will a perfect day for a Cross Country Solo".... Great until I was 1/2 back home surrounded by a Thunderstorm and that was a couple decades before ForeFlight.. LOL... 

BTW, I got the Sentry, but the IPAD has not arrived yet! 

Wasn't able to leave that early today for KHUF.  But, we still had a BAC fly-in of sorts.  I picked up my nephew at KPMH to go to Sporty's.  Saw fellow member Martin Ferrari and his son at both airports in his Sundowner.  So, two BAC members eating a brat at Sporty's should count....
It was looking like it would be a small turn out today but ended up being a rather good one.  We had six attendees, three members, two guests, and possibly a future member.  One Sierra and one Sundowner were on the field.  As I was leaving a PBY Catalina taxied in.  Don't see that every day.  This was the first time I have been to the Corsair Cafe.  Mike Matz who I have not seen in a long while made it in from KVPZ, Valparaiso, IN along with his friend Rich Kalamar.  Dan Rothe brought his friend Heath Clayton.  If you recall the fly-in at the Hangar 5 Restaurant Dan Rothe brought Heath's wife and their two daughters.  Towards the end of our meal a gentleman named Wayne Padgett approached our table.  He saw on our Home page "Coming Soon:" would be at the Corsair Cafe.  Wayne rents and flies out of Hulman Field.  His friend was looking at a Musketeer today in Cincinnati.  If his friend purchases the Musketeer he plans to become a partner.  They both may join BAC if they do.  The grouped talked to Wayne and we explained there is value in joining the club now before making the purchase.  The Mouse Hunt and any questions they may have can be answered on our Forums.  

There was another restaurant called the FLY-IN Cafe in the same space that went out of business in 2019.  I was planning to have a fly-in in October of that year but they closed two weeks after my first recon visit.  They had three different menus depending on what day of the week it was and what time of day.  Odd hours of operation.  No wonder they did not have any business and closed their doors.  It took me two years looking at their website to figure out when they were actually open and what I could get to eat.

Any way the Corsair Cafe is definitely worth the trip.  The pilot shop is actually in the same space as the restaurant.  Due to a staffing shortage (like everywhere else) we had to place our orders at the register.  The prices are reasonable and the food is good.  I know I will be going there on my days off when the weather is good to fly.  Not as busy as Hangar 5 (KBAK).  I will be mixing it up between the two.  Next fly-in will be Portsmouth, OH (KPMH) 


Pictured are:  Wayne Padgett, Rich Kalamar, Mike Matz, Dan Rothe, Heath Clayton

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