Corsair Cafe - Terre Haute, IN (KHUF) - Saturday - August 13, 2022

We had great weather for the fly-in.  Sunny skies and a light breeze out of the south.  We had seven attendees.  Two Sierras and two Sundowners were on the field.  In attendance were Curt and Jane Lindauer, Mike Matz and his guest Richard Kalamar, Marty Ferrari, his nephew James Ferrari, and John Redmon.  Richard has attended several of our fly-ins.  During our conversations after the meal Richard and Curt Lindauer knew some of the same people when Curt was a FAA Inspector up in the Chicago area.  It is a small world.  Some of the discussion was the upcoming BACFest in Palm Springs and Beech Party in Tullahoma.  Curt, I hope you and Jane decide to fly out to Palm Springs.  Curt and Jane mentioned they really enjoyed BACLite earlier this year.  Marty, I hope you can stay longer next time.  You missed out on the group picture and the hangar flying at our fly-ins. 


Member aircraft on the ramp.

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Pictured are:  Curt and Jane Lindauer, Mike Matz, and Richard Kalamar 

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Looks like you had a great day.  Looking forward to seeing you all again soon. I'm planning to be at both BACFest 2022 in September and Beech Party in October. Fly safe all. 