Corcoran found. Cote to Blame!


Orbiting Earth
See next message below!

UNOFFICIAL Weather Good on Ice Today

Lake Winnepesakee, New Hampshire... We are ON!
Bring a friend.
Be sure to dress warm... very warm.
Meet at 11:15 where airplanes park.
Note your mileage for PT points.
"Literate the Ice Fishermen" flying novelty event follows. Explanation at event.
B18 is the place. (Frozen seaplane base on the lake.)
Food on your own. Consider a thermos of hot coffee on board.
Restaurants are on site at the lake's edge.
603 875-3498 is local runway info.
Get a good briefing 1-800-WX-BRIEF.
Crappy cell phone service on lake.
Bring your camera for BACTalk magazine.
Fly safe. Easy on brakes landing and taxiing.
No alternate or rain date.
Alton Bay, New Hampshire... we are on our way!
Tom Corcoran
Boston, Braintree, Massachusetts
Almost on my way

10:50am local.

Plane was in a heated hangar all night.
Flew recently.
Won't start. "SH--"
Seems to be no spark.
Hope you guys are having fun.
My A+P is on the way.
I may get to New Hampshire today.. maybe.
That's what I get for doing anything with Steve Cote!

Tom Corcoran
Waiting at 1B9, Mansfield MA
Don't know what you are talking about, Tom. We had a lovely flight. I rode with Ken Cook and his friend Kevin. We met Tim Flight and the lovely Meghan.
The weather was gorgeous...but COLD! :shock:

It was really interesting landing; the ice was clear and smooth. Certainly did not look like something one should be placing an airplane on. was 14" thick, they tell us. We rolled nearly the length (@2100 out of 2600') with Ken dancing on the pedals. Worked just fine. Take off, with flaps, was 1000' with three of us on board.

They tell us they had 95 planes there last Saturday. But today we were it until departure at 13:00. Four or five planes came in on final and thought better of it.

Well, we had a good time. Tom, sorry the curse went to your hangar this time. But thanks for setting this in motion. It was fun.
Not So Fast Steve Cote!

Wrong Mr. Vice President Steve Cote.

I actually made it to the ice runway.
I got there at 4:15pm.

As Steve said, taxiing and turning was like being on greased ball bearings. The roll out was a non event if you kept your rudder straight but the 180 turn onto the taxiway was exciting for those who were going faster than a half-walk-speed.

After a non-depature at 9:15am, Jim Casey my A+P rebuilt my magento while I watched.
The impulse coupler failed.
By 2:30 I was on my way to Alton Bay.
After greeting my ice fishing friends on nearbye Ossippe Lake I landed on frozen Lake Winnepesakee.
I have photos to prove it taken by Paul LaRochelle, the volunteer who makes it all happen.
He said there was a Steve Cote sighting.

I flew the 89 miles back to Mansfield, Massachusetts... landing just before dark.

Tom Corcoran
Thank you members for taking an interest in this.
Why not announce a fly-in of your own, eh?
Glad somebody made it to the ice. Sorry I couldn't join you. I closed on and took delivery of my new SportStar LSA on Tuesday, trained in it Wed and Thurs (I don't care how many thousands of hours you have; when you get a new airplane, you get to be a student pilot again!) flew it home yesterday (freezing my ass off for 3.4 hours, fighting a 40 knot headwind), and gave an LSA seminar this morning, after which I conducted my first lesson in the plane. So, AvSport of Lock Haven is now officially in business! 50 more hours of dual and I'll have earned enough to cover the year's insurance premium.

I'd appreciate a list of persons attending, along with aircraft types and N numbers, for my RD column. Also, any pictures you guys might care to contribute.

Congratulations to the entire BAC ice skating team.
You should have insisted that you were held up in Boston traffic. Surely no one could doubt that!
We were all sorry to miss you. What great idea for a trip!

Paul, info on the way

Couldn't make it last week, but am thinking of going this weekend; is there anywhere close to eat?
You betcha! Bunch of places all along the shore there. Easy walking distance.

Alton Bay is a narrow finger of water off the main body of Winnipesaukee; sticks out southeast. At the approach end of the ice runway, the entire bay is only 150M. Which is why they are so strident about the pattern altitude, you come in over a ridge with houses. (Some really nice houses!)

Take off and landing is only toward the main body of the lake, the widening end of the Bay. Going the other direction gets a little snug.

It's fun...just keep reminding your feet: "No brakes!"