Cleairfield PA (KFIG) Fly In - 5/17 - Historic Reenactment


Orbiting Earth
Hi Folks,

Drumming up a little business for Harvey...


Beech Aero Club FLY-IN
Clearfield PA (KFIG)
Meet 5/17/2014 @ 10:30


Join an historic reenactment.

On Saturday, May 17 we are celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Adam's Airmail Pick-up AM Route 1001. This is where the Stinson Reliants would swoop down with an extended hook and retrieve the mail in a canister suspended between two poles. This was the beginning of USAir.

We will form at Clearfield (KFIG) about 10:30 AM. Have a small ceremony cancelling postage on special commemorative letters and then fly to DuBois Regional (KDUJ) in somewhat of a formation or as we Hillbillies say "in mass". There the mail will be received.

Harvey Haag (BAC Airboss PA) will be doing a talk/Power Point presentation at the outside pavilion at the restaurant shortly after. DuBois has a good restaurant. Get an Inverted Jenny Special Cancellation for BAC participants.

PS: Hey John - if you get this - could you email it out to your Ohio - or whomever you deem appropriate - folks ? So few actually read the forums... I emailed to all Northeast members already - hope it worked...

Scott Brunner
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Umm, which one of you guys is going to perform this reenactment with their mouse?
Sadly, I am still cursed with working Saturdays; have fun without me.
Haven't heard from any of the groups notified if anybody will be participating, but have sold over 500 commemorative letters. The notes and comments from former Allegheny, Mohawk and USAir pilots has made the project worthwhile. If any BAC members would like to purchase a flown cover they are $3 for inverted jenny stamp or $2.50 for last US airmail stamp. Now the Global Forever stanps have replaced the airmail stamp.
Hope to see some of you. Harvey
This looks like Fun . I will try to make it. Harvey can you give me a call when you get a chance . 855-WE FLY BEech X 703. Thanks JP .
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John, Thanks for returning the call. Must have dropped out again. Hope you can make it tomorrow.
Harvey ,I am out today with emergency service calls.Enjoyed talking with you also.I am looking forward to getting out to Clearfield sometime.Thanks for putting these events up.Todays looks like a great event. John Persinger
Had a pretty successful day. Ceiling was a little low at 3800 and light mist before the event, but cleared for several hours. Got some rain on the way home about 4:00. Three setts of people flew in and had several antique vehicles. Flight from KFIG to KDUJ was pretty smooth except for a few umps over the top of one mountain. This was the first airplane ride for the postmaster, but the "Mail went through". Seventy or so people showed up for this historic event including a 93 year old man who was to the first pickup in 1939, the last in 1949 and now the 75th, so we gave him the first cancelled piece of mail and had him help load the canister. Wish other BAC members could have participated.
Hi Harvey,

Sounds like you guys had fun - man - I tried to publicize this event and even sent emails to all Northeast members - I guess it's tough to get people to show up to events... Sorry I couldn't make it - I had something for work pop up as well and I had to drive to Buffalo... Took Jackie along as well to make a little get-away out f it... Were still here - driving home tomorrow... We'll catch you next time...

I could,t get through the weather around clevland and had a chnce of small hail.Wish I could been there since I worked out of duj in the late seventies flying in the coal fields
Hi Larry,

No worries - glad to see someone was interested - and - "I worked out of duj in the late seventies flying in the coal fields" sounds like you may have some interesting stories to share... Hope to see you at one of our events...
