Blue Bonnets and BBQ ! free lunch - San Antonio, TX - March 18, 2023

trumpet nelson

Around The Moon
Fly in, to my home airport on the west side of San Antonio (8T8 - - 3,000 ft of pavement) and enjoy a great BBQ lunch.  Free Food!  Free Drinks!  Free Aircraft Parking!  Free fuel (oh ... made that last one up ... sorry).  Best re-fueling spot nearby is a 12 minute flight south to Castroville (KCVB) where they have a nice SS pump.

I will be serving at my hangar from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm.  March 18th, Saturday.   My hangar is on the runway, big and blue, about 1,000 ft from the south end.

Please RSVP using this forum thread so I can buy the right amount of groceries for the team.  

Hope to see you there!  And hoping for some great Texas flying weather.  Current forecast is 61 degrees, partly cloudy.  Sweet.

Stay tuned here for updates.

trumpet nelson


Penny and I would greatly enjoy making it down. Thinking hanger hotel at Fredericksburg Friday night and then flying down Saturday morning. 

Watching weather with positive anticipation!
Would like to make it down from Dallas, but weather not cooperating.  Looks like MVFR (morning) and low clouds most of the day (3,000-5,100) in your area per FF. Dallas weather is fine.  


Forecast is 87% chance of rain, and .... clouds for Saturday morning.  Of course ....


Maybe next time, airplane drivers.  No hangar BBQ this weekend in San Antonio.  Shucks.


My first BACFest was at San Antonio and it was one of the best.  I don't know if any venues have been repeated, but I propose that San Antonio be a future major BACFest again.  It is so much to offer.  Bo Boggs did an awesome job hosting it.  I am sure Trumpet could do as well.  Please think about it BOD.