Beech Aero Club 20th Birthday fly in (Mid Atlantic)


Orbiting Earth
July 3 to July 8. Save the date. Working on itinerary to include hotel discounts, fly outs, seminars ( White Hawk Aviation ) activities ( DC Fireworks viewing ,Air and Space museums ,Skyline Drive ,Tangier island ,  Golf Bryce Resort or Luray with airstrips air show (Flying Circus on Sunday ) and ground transportation. Hosted by Mid Atlantic. Will be updating as it fills in. Cooters Dukes of Hazzard Museum . Located near three major airports BWI,DCA and IAD for the members that can’t fly via Musketeer. Planning on an airstrip based out of the Washington/BWI SFRA and working on a great hotel at a great rate . Thanks for the positive feedback . 
Oh Wow! This sounds great! I’m planning to attend this event and see all of my Mid Atlantic friends. I’ve got two children moving to VA now. This should be a great celebration of our 20th Anniversary. 19 years for me, bc I procrastinated for 11 months. 

Is 3Z going to be there at this BAC 20th Anniversary Celebration Ceremony Event?

Is Cloyd going to be there? I was in ICT a couple weeks ago and went by the old 10th Anniversary location. 

Great to hear that you will be there. I guess that’s a good enough reason for me to aim for it as well!

And, I hope Cloyd can make it too. (last seen, he was sailing on a river somewhere!)
Bill AND Mark ! That's almost reason enough to consider VA in July. I grew up ~25 miles from DC. Left there 47 years ago and vowed never to return during June, July & August  due to the 95 squared weather. 95 degrees / 95% humidity. 
John Persinger, 

Looks like you have the recipe for a TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY BAC SHINDIG!  

The Annual Meeting in a couple weeks (Oshkosh) is a good time to vote to make it our official celebration. With a year's prior planning we can all add ideas to enhance the fun. 

About this time way back in 2003 the Founders were putting a new type-club together; considering each other's ideas and each donating his own money to fund BAC's infancy. There was even a lively discussion on what to name the thing.

At one time we reached 1,000 members in (maybe) a dozen countries. 

"Virginia... Fourth of July in 2024". 


(July 4, 2004 was arbitrarily chosen by the Founders to be the Beech Aero Club's first official day of business.)
Tom Corcoran said
John Persinger, 

Looks like you have the recipe for a TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY BAC SHINDIG!  

The Annual Meeting in a couple weeks (Oshkosh) is a good time to vote to make it our official celebration. With a year's prior planning we can all add ideas to enhance the fun. 

About this time way back in 2003 the Founders were putting a new type-club together; considering each other's ideas and each donating his own money to fund BAC's infancy. There was even a lively discussion on what to name the thing.

At one time we reached 1,000 members in (maybe) a dozen countries. 

"Virginia... Fourth of July in 2024". 


(July 4, 2004 was arbitrarily chosen by the Founders to be the Beech Aero Club's first official day of business.)
