BAC TAC Notams


Flight Levels
Looks like our final head count is going to be 25 for the anniversary celebration. Here are a few odds and ends about the event.

The reception Thursday night will be in Hospitality Suite 217. We'll plan to gather there around 5:00. Everyone is asked to bring a beverage unique to your home area (if possible). Mixers and light appetizers will be provided. For those wishing to have dinner, we'll adjourn at 6:45 to the Marriott's restaurant at 7:00. Dress for Thursday is casual.

Friday night's dinner will be in the private dining room inside the Marriott's restaurant and begin with a cash bar cocktail hour at 6:00. We'll be seated for dinner at 7:00. Dress for Friday is business casual.

When flying into Jabara airport, note that runway 18 uses a right hand pattern.

Upon arrival, if you need a ride to the Marriott, their shuttle will come pick you up by calling the hotel, 316-651-0333. If you know your arrival time, you may call in advance and schedule a pickup time.

The Wichita Marriott is located at 9100 Corporate Hills Drive.

Fly safe. Blue skies and tailwinds for all!
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What a great job you have done in pulling this together. Until one has been through the process it is impossible to appreciate how difficult it is to get all of this to come together. Finding a site for an event in the first place is not so easy but then lining up an acceptable hotel, workable airport, transportation and activities sends the degree of difficulty way beyond what most people think! We can't thank you enough for what you have done (and not only for this event, there have been many others!).

I wish more members could make it as these events are special as well as a lot of fun. We are a flying club and that part is important, to be sure, but combining flying with getting together with other members (old friends and new) make these get-togethers really something to remember!

Everybody travel safely and enjoy! Toast BAC heartily and have a great time!

And once again, Brad, THANK YOU!
I look forward to meeting you all during your time in Wichita.

We have had a great deal of much needed rain the past two weeks and more is expected. The landing strip at Beaumont may not be in great condition, especially for retractable gear planes.
Also, Stearman Field (1K1) is holding its 11th Annual Fly-In on June 21st. I've attached a poster for those interested.

All the best!

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I spoke with a staff person at KAAO concerning the tie down fees for BAC TAC. I was told that if you purchase fuel they would waive the tie down fee for the nights you are at the event.
Thanks Dave for checking on that. And Chris, thank you for your kind words. I'm just sorry you won't be able to make it. You've put a tremendous amount of effort yourself into planning the event and coordinating the factory tour. Just as it takes a village to raise a child, any event requires more than one set of hands toiling away at the details. Your presence will be missed.
I received this from Eventbrite this morning: [TABLE="class: MsoNormalTable, width: 100%"][TR][TD="bgcolor: transparent"][h=2]BAC 10th Anniversary Celebration & Beech Plant Tour Fly-In is Thursday at 10:00 AM [/h]Organized by Beech Aero Club

[/TD][/TR][/TABLE]This gives the impression that the plant tour is Thursday at 10:00 a.m. My understanding is that it is at 9:00 a.m. on Friday. I won't be arriving until late Thursday evening due to work commitments, but this is the first time I have seen anything setting up BAC TAC for a Thursday,10:00 a.m. arrival. Please, someone explain.
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It's been windy and gusty there the last couple of days. Last I looked it was 23 gusting to 33 at 200. So at least it's blowing pretty much down the runway. Be careful, guys and gals.
So there's no confusion, here's the official agenda:
BAC TAC Schedule of Events

Thursday, June 19
5:00-6:45 pm Reception at the Marriott. Bring a sampling of a beverage from your home area. Soft drinks and water will be provided along with light snacks.
7:00 pm Optional dinner in the Marriott's restaurant

Friday, June 20
8:15 am gather in the lobby of the Marriott to walk over to Beech Factory Plant IV. If you choose to fly your plane from Jabara to Beech Field, you will need to arrive at the lobby of Plant IV by 8:45 am. The tour will begin at 9:00 am.
6:00-7:00 pm cocktail hour at the Marriott (cash bar)
7:00 pm seating for dinner at the Marriott (this dinner is included in the registration fee)
8:00 pm champagne toast and birthday cake at the Marriott
9:00 pm adjourn to the Marriott's lounge

Saturday, June 21
Approximately 11:00 am depart for a fly-in lunch at Beaumont Hotel, approximately 30 miles east of Jabara. More details when we arrive in Wichita. Latest report is the landing strip may not be in suitable shape.

Any additional activities will be planned "on the fly" when we gather in Wichita
Yes, it has been windy here--its Kansas so we expect it--and mostly down the runway. As vanhook said, be careful.

Another interesting event on June 21 is happening at the Kansas Air Museum. Here's their website and ad in case anyone is interested:

Play On A Plane Day
June 21, 2014
10am - 5pm


You've been asking and we've been listening. "When can we go IN the planes?"
Now we have the answer: June 21 has been declared Play On A Plane Day.
Mark your calendar and get excited to explore the KC-135, Boeing 727 and 737, Learjet 23, F-84, T-33 and a Beech Queen Air.
It doesn't happen often so make sure you don't miss this fun-filled day at KAM!
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We will be there before noon on Wednesday. We thought we would get an early start. We flew 7.5 hours today. The first three were like a magic carpet, the last 4.5 not so much. That instrument ticket was definitely worth the time and money.
Fly safe.
As one of the original seven founders of BAC I am sorry that I won't be able to join the others for the birthday.

Presently I am in Canada on Prince Edward Island and will try to have the Champaign toast with you if I can estimate the time.

Have a great party.

Ask Cloyd and Brad to reach a little deeper into their pockets and buy you a drink or two. Singleton has lots of money if Van Hook and Mitchell disappoint you.


Tom Corcoran
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Cloyd should pay for everyone. After all, he is a lawyer, and he should be able to dispute payment in court for at least ten years. You will pay this winter when you are in Florida.
News update!!!

I negotiated a deal with Enterprise Car Rental for picking up your rental car at Jabara Airport.

Please call the airport FBO, Midwest Corporate Aviation direct at (316)-696-9700.

If you call in advance with approximate arrival time, they will drop a car off at Jabara airport and you can pick it up at the FBO desk. You can then drop it off at the airport FBO on return without filling the tank. They will fill it up and bill you the pump price of $3.55 per gallon.

Rates are $45.00 per day or $146.00 for the week for a full size car.

I think this is an excellent deal, and certainly very convenient.

They were very nice and glad to help BAC enjoy the 10th anniversary celebration.

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