BAC Picnic at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh - Oshkosh, WI (KOSH) - Thursday - July 27, 2023


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Join us for our annual picnic at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh.  Last year was a record breaker.  We had 71 members and guests.  The picnic will be held at Bob Schmidt’s campsite in Paul’s Woods.  This year the campsite is just south of the bridge by the restrooms.  See attached map.  The picnic will start at 12:00PM CDT and ends when the last person leaves. We will supply brats and burgers with all the fixings, plus beer, soft drinks and water. If you have portable chairs, you will want to bring them.

It is very important that if you are planning to attend the picnic to RSVP.  We continue to run out of food every year.  Bob picks up groceries one or two nights before the event.  It is not fair to those that have responded and then have nothing to eat.  Do us all a favor and let us know you are coming.  BAC members and guests are more than welcome to attend.  I need to know who is coming and how many are in your party.  Thank you.


Look for the BAC canopy.  BAC Picnic 2022



Please respond to this thread if you are planning to attend and let us know how many will be in your party.


Directions:  Go through the pedestrian gate south of Exhibit Hangar D.  Continue south and make a left turn at the T, then a right turn and follow the lane.  Cross the bridge and then make a left turn.  Campsite will be on the right.  Just behind the restrooms. 



I have the following list of members and guests attending the BAC Picnic.  If you have not responded to the thread, please do so.


John Redmon (1)

Bob Schmidt (1)

Mike, Linda, & Andy Nielsen (3)

Curt Lindauer (3)

Bob & Andrew Prange (2)

Aaron Mosher (2)

John Foster (2)

Les Gawlik (1)

Chris Ott (2)

Nelson Amen (1)

Kevin Eaton (1)

Peter Schirrmeister and Richard Pittet (2)

Jeremy Keyes (3)

Warren, Melissa, Rachel, and Grant Smith (4)

Brian Rodgers (1)

Donel Davis (1)

Mike and Jessica Link (2)
I have updated the head count after today's Ice Cream Social.  Bob is picking up the food and supplies tonight.  Looking forward to seeing everyone on Thursday.
We have 32 members and guests signed up for the picnic on Thursday.  Looking forward to seeing everyone.  
The weather was quite different this year from last year.  Hot, humid, and not very pleasant.  At least the picnic was in the shade and a bit cooler in the woods.  Grilling was a bit challenging with the heat but manageable.  We had 36 attendees this year.  Far less than our record-breaking number of 71 last year.  A smaller group though allows the members a better chance to meet and interact with everyone.  I know for myself I was able to talk to several new members for the first time.  Including a couple that are in my region Jessica and Mike Link.  Additional note this was the first year we did not run out of food.  Thanks to everyone that RSVP’d. 

Bob Schmidt has been our host for several years now at his campsite in Paul’s Woods for the BAC picnic.  He told me last year was going to be his last year.  He then decided he would do it once more.  It is now official this is the last year.  Bob volunteers three days at the helicopter operations to get the campsite.  Then all the preparations and running he does to make this event happen.  I could not have done it without him.  I am grateful for his contribution to making this event a success.  I am not sure what we are going to do next year at AirVenture.  I have a few ideas.  One might be to have a gathering at one of the food vendors such as Chick-fil-A.  They have a very large tent with picnic tables under it surrounded by tables with umbrellas.  Until next year, I thank each and every one that attended this year.  This is why I volunteer to be a Regional Director.  To meet and enjoy the interactions with all of you.     

In attendance were Bob Schmidt, Emily Keyes, Chris Ott, Curt Lindauer, Bob Blackston, Jim Brunsworth, Bob and Andrew Prange, John Foster, Ken Fayal, Andrew, Laura, Roselyn, Mike and Linda Nielsen, Les Gawlik, Brian, Taryn, and Elizabeth Rodgers, Peter Schirrmeister, Barry and Ann Toole, Jessica and Mike Link, Aaron and Julie Mosher, Donel Davis, Warren and Melissa Smith, Grant and Rachel Ross, Gerry Schram, Kevin Eaton, Charles and Paula Schandelmeier, and John Redmon


Group picture

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Cameras are funny things.  Slightly darker image.

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Attendees and grilling away.

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Time to eat.

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Thanks for all the work you did John and Bob, it was a pleasure meeting everyone. We look forward to being more active in the club!!
Thank you to Bob Schmidt and John Redmon for all you have been doing to make the picnic at AirVenture a great success year after year.  I am sure that few of us have any idea just how much work it was for you to be putting these on.  If I remember correctly, Bob takes his camper to AirVenture weeks early in order to secure such a splendid location for the picnic.  Bob deserves a break and John does too if he so decides.  Thanks for being the model BAC members that you are!  