AOPA Regional Fly-In - Colorado Spring - September 25 -26


Level Cruise
I know this is the Weekend before BAC Fest but for those who may have missed one of the other AOPA Regional Fly-Ins I am sponsoring a BAC Fly-In in conjunction with the AOPA Regional Fly-In at Colorado Springs. Please come join me at my home airport KFLY (Meadow Lake Airport, Falcon, CO). KFLY sits within a cut out of the Colorado Springs (KCOS) class C airspace. I have checked with the local FBO (American Aviation) and the Medow Lake Airport Association and they will permit camping in the tie-down area next to you aircraft. However, if camping is not your preference, I have several spare rooms here at the house in which I can accommodate 5 or 6 people. I have talked to the AOPA event organizers and they are expecting the class C Airspace at KCOS to be extremely busy on 9/25 and 9/26 so flying in to KFLY makes a lot of sense. I will provide ground transportation between KFLY and the AOPA event. Please let me know if you will be coming as soon as possible so that I can reserve a tie down space for you. My direct email address is:

Here are 2 links to the AOPA event:

Here is a link to information about KFLY Medow Lake Airport:
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We just attended the AOPA fly-in at Anoka in Minneapolis yesterday. It was just great. It is close to BACFest, but if you have never been to an AOPA Regional fly-in, you don't want to miss this one. When I get a chance, I will be posting pictures of yesterday's fly-in.
Mike, It will be great to see you again! Will Linda be coming with you? You are welcome to stay with us at our house.
Linda will be with me and we will stay at your place. Looking forward to it. We just finished today getting the right two cylinders on our Sierra top overhauled. We also installed two new .001 oversized through bolts in the middle two crank case holes. we have been fighting excess oil usage issues and it will be good to run it some more for break in.
I am bumping this to the top to remind you about this fly-in. We know it is the weekend before BACFest, but you will enjoy it if you can make it. Some of you could stop here on your way to BACFest.
I want to reinforce what Michael and Dave have said. I just attended the AOPA Regional fly-in in Minneapolis and enjoyed it very much. The Barnstormer's party on Friday night gives great food, and entertaining music with the nicest people you will ever find in aviation. Saturday, there are a number of seminars that I did not have time to attend in Minneapolis that I plan on checking on in KCOS. They have a lot of exhibitors with a great variety of special discounts on things for your planes (it's a lot like a mini-Oshkosh. It's not too late to order discount party and meal tickets. Fly to Dave's airport KFLY and you won't have to fight the crowd flying in to KCOS. Be sure to check the NOTAMS. Hope to see you there!
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Long range forecast is looking good for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday next week. Highs in the mid to upper 70s and lows in the low 50s. We have already started our fall cool-down. Friday is forecasted to be partly sunny, Saturday is mostly sunny, and Sunday is supposed to be sunny. When landing at KFLY make sure you observe left traffic pattern for rwy 15 and right traffic pattern for rwy 33. There are glider operations that occur west of rwy 15-33 and this is the reason for the right hand pattern on 33. Also rwy 15 slopes down about 3.5 degrees to south while rwy 33 slopes up 3 degrees to the north (don't ask me how that is possible but that is what the guide says ;)). Most locals use rwy 15 for takeoff unless the tailwind component exceed 6K. Remember this airport is at 6880' MSL so lean for best power!! Parking will be at the FBO - American Aviation at far North East side of the field. If I am not at the airport when you arrive give me a call at 719-362-6589.

Weather still looking great for this coming Friday and Saturday. Hope to see a few more BAC members so up for this.
This looks like a really great time! Sorry, that I won't be there. I will be lucky to do BACfest this year.

Safe travels! And I will see you in Dubuque!
Thanks Dave for hosting us three BAC mice and your hospitality during our stay. Weather was perfect, the AOPA show was great and the burgers were tasty! I'll get my jacket at DBQ!

Oh, and thanks for catching proof of me flying right over the top of 14,115 foot tall Pikes Peak!



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Mike's Sierra, my Sundowner (I still can't get over how fun it is to say that) and in some hanger back there is Dave's Super.


Mike let me know if you want the video of your night-time departure!


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I would love to have the video. What a nice time we had! I want to thank Dave and Karen for their wonderful hospitality. Dave can grill some great burgers and Karen's apple pie was awesome. I was so nervous taking off at the 6,900 ft elevation airport, I don't know if you noticed that I forgot to use flaps. What a brain hic up. The roll was much longer than I am used to at my home airport which is 2,580 ft. elevation, but it was still acceptable. It would be great to have a fly-in just to see the sites and attractions of the Colorado Springs area. Let's hope we can get some interest. Here are Mike, Dave and I in front of the main stage hangar.

And, of course, here's Linda and I.

Linda took the picture of us just before we departed. That's not the sun over our shoulders. It is a full moon. Maybe that's why I forgot flaps.

We're looking forward to seeing you again at Dubuque!


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