AOPA Regional Fly-in: Anoka County Airport, MN. (KANE)-Minneapolis


Around The Moon

You are all invited to attend the AOPA Regional Fly-In at Anoka County Airport in Blaine, MN. (northern Minneapolis) on Aug. 22, 2015. Join us for a fun filled Saturday and enjoy a celebration of general aviation. This grassroots gathering features something for everyone with exhibitors, aircraft displays, seminars and activities to interest and delight your entire family!
Record attendance with hundreds of airplanes is expected so be sure and check the special NOTAM approach procedures which can be found on the AOPA web site.
Barnstormers Party: Come early and join us on Friday night, from 6:30 – 9:30 p.m., for a special Barnstormers Party at Surfside Seaplane Base, featuring a BBQ, bonfire, live entertainment and the camaraderie of your fellow aviation enthusiasts. Cost is $15 when you register in advance or $20 onsite. Reservations recommended. [h=4]Don’t miss an aerobatic performance by John Klatt at 7pm, one of the top aerobatic performance pilots in America![/h] Accommodations: Camping is available at KANE. If you come on Friday, the Barnstormers Party is in LineOLakes, MN where my son, Andy and his wife live. We have one spare bed room available on a first come, first served basis. He also has a family room with two couches and a floor available. Camping on his lawn is also available so indoor bath rooms could be used. If enough of you want to, you could share the cost of renting a camper in his drive way. Of course the AOPA web site lists hotels if that is your preference.

Saturday you will be busy throughout the day so we will have little time to get our BAC families together until it is over at 4 p.m. Join us at the picnic table and canopy near the control tower for refreshments and finger food after 4 p.m. You can watch the bulk of departures while you enjoy fellowship with BAC'ers. Then you can leave when traffic is lighter.

For more information check this link to this AOPA Regional Fly-In:

If you can for planning purposes, please RSVP me at: or call my home phone in the evenings at: 308-345-2995
We can help with transportation at this event. For that, you may call my cell at: 308-340-7283.

See you there!
This is a major aviation event and fly-in so I want to bump this to the top. So far I know of just a few who are going. They are:
Mike & Linda Nielsen
Andy & Laura Nielsen
Tom Braag

So far all of the above are going to the Friday evening Barnstormers party as well as the Saturday main events. How about the rest of you? The old saying is "Be there or be square". I would hate for just two mice to be present in a sea of other planes.
Great to hear that! PM me if you decide to come Friday evening if you need a place to stay. Tom is staying with us at Andy's house. We are going to try to go to the Barnstormer's party together. Andy is going to check to see if there is any way he can drive us close enough to walk there. We may end up taking the bus from KANE.
By the way, Tom is setting up an exhibit booth for Saturday for Pilot's and Paw's. You can hunt him up there. Keep my cell phone number for contact info.
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I am bumping this to the top again as we have only 4 days before this fly-in starts. Click on the following link to see the schedule of Saturday's seminars.
We now know that AOPA seminars and the town hall meeting are over at 3:30 p.m. Saturday. We have been surprised that they are having an ice cream social at 3:30. We still are planning in meeting at the picnic table under the canopy by the control tower. Let's have some finger food and refreshments while we watch the busy departure of airplanes. We can get you back to your plane and then you can depart when there is less traffic. Be sure to download the pilot information packet with NOTAM which can be found at So far we know of the following attending: Mike & Linda Nielsen, Andy & Laura Nielsen, Tom Braag, and Kyle Setrum. The first 5 will be there Friday for the Barnstormer's party. Kyle, you can let us know if you come in Friday. Otherwise we'll see you Saturday. This is close to the BAC East Central Region so let's see if the East Central can get more planes there than the North Central region. See you all there!
The current forecast for Saturday at KANE is clear on Friday, Saturday a 60% chance of showers and thunderstorms-mainly after 1 p.m., and clear on Sunday. I hate to see this discourage any of you from going to this fly-in so I am suggesting that you consider flying to KANE on Friday and leaving on Sunday. We will put you up for two nights instead of one as necessary. If the weather is bad enough by 4 p.m. when we want to have our picnic, we can move it into the hangar where my plane will be. So far we know of six attending: the two Nielsen families along with Tom and Kyle. We would love to have more so let us know if you can make it.
We'll miss you Kyle, but I always made my kids activities priority. Good luck to her and her team. The picture below shows some of the tents in front of the museum at KANE. They have a huge parking lot on the other side of the museum and it is completely covered with a tent. Lots of airplanes are already showing up today, Thursday. This is an exciting event and we would like to have anyone who can, make the last minute decision to just show up. If you do contact me on my cell phone: 308-340-7283. Hope to see you there!


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Sorry Steve. I did send out post cards in addition to this thread. Let me know if you did not get one and I will check my mailing list. I am pleased that we had a few BAC members represented tonight at the Barnstormers Party. Tom Braag flew in from Cedar Rapids about 2:00 p.m. Greg Huberty, who lives here joined us this evening. Linda and I arrived at KANE at about 2:30 this afternoon. Had a great tail wind which gave us ground speeds from 142 kts to 155 kts. I know that some of you do Pilots and Paws flights. Tom has done over 200 of them and is here to help man their booth in the exhibit hall. The food and beverage at the sea plane base were great as well as the band. As you can imagine, the best part of the party was the planes. I have never, ever seen so many sea planes parked in one place. We enjoyed watching some of them take off and land on the lake. The high light of these was the Beaver and then, of course, the Albatross. They had a Husky with a reverse thrust prop. He could really stop fast. The aerobatic demonstration over the lake was top notch (sorry, I can't remember the pilot's name). The cold front has slowed so we should have good weather tomorrow until late evening, albeit breezy. Will post pictures later.
Enjoyed a great couple days at Anoka County with Mike Nielsen and his family. Superb hospitality, thanks Andy and Lora!

The AOPA had a full day of events, and as Mike said I spent most of Saturday in the PilotsNPaws booth talking with pilots, animal lovers, and anyone else who wandered near enough to the booth! One highlight of this Fly-In was the use of local food trucks to provide the noon meal. Supported the local economy, and offered a wide variety of choices for lunch - well done, AOPA!

Mike and I at the PNP booth:

Mike and Andy at the booth:

Predeparture photo with Andy, Lora, Linda, Mike, and I:

The third photo is just before my departure Saturday afternoon. As you can tell, it was pretty windy (18G32) straight from the south, and I got airborne about 15 minutes before the first rain shower. Took me an hour longer to get home than to get there, thanks to those same headwinds at every flyable altitude I could select from!



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I am slow getting these pictures posted, but thought you all might like to see part of what happened at AOPA's KANE fly-in.

Barnstormer's Party at US largest sea plane base. Sea planes everywhere. This is looking in just one direction. A number of them demonstrated TO & Ldgs including DH Beaver, Albatross and a Husky with a reversing thrust prop that could stop on a dime and taxi backwards.

Linda Nielsen, Tom Bragg, Laura & Andy Nielsen enjoying barbeque Watching air show from lake shore. Fabulous air show over water.


Not a mouse, but wouldn't you love to own. Saturday Breakfast with lots of aviators in . Visitors enjoying Tom telling Pilots & Paws Story.
the Golden Wings Museum hangar.
Instructor and humorist Rod Machado spoke
a couple of times and was very entertaining.
AOPA President Mark Baker was informative,
candid and enjoyable. A number of seminars
were available in other buildings and tents.
See you in Colorado Springs Sep. 25! & 26th!


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When I put the above post together I had each picture labeled. Somehow when I posted it, the labels and pictures got separated and mixed up. You will have to guess where the descriptive labels go. Sorry.