Airport Cafe - Urbana, OH (I74) - Saturday - July 8, 2023

Rob Lyall texted me yesterday.  He and Steve Barlow plan to be at Grimes Field tomorrow.  I just got a text from Patrick Jeski and he plans to be there tomorrow.  Patrick will be driving down from Michigan.  His Sierra has been getting an avionics upgrade.  He will fill us in on how it has been going.  


The weather looks questionable tomorrow for flying.  I will be there for sure whether I fly or drive over.
It was rainy and the weather was not cooperating to fly this day.   Patrick Jeski drove three hours from Michigan to attend.  I drove over from Indiana.  Heavy rain from Indianapolis to just past the Ohio border.  Light rain the rest of the way.  We had a good lunch while we watched it rain.  I had one of their pies for the first time, butterscotch.  It was delicious.  I may take one home next time.  Patrick has a Sierra that is in the process of getting an avionics upgrade.  It will be quite impressive once it is complete.  It was due to be completed by late July.  I have not heard any word on its current status.  Patrick has also spent time making improvements to his hangar for when his Sierra returns home.  I will be looking forward to seeing his panel in person at one of our fly-ins.  Rain eventually stopped and there was a mix of sunshine and clouds when we left for the drive home. 



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And more rain

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A couple of pictures of Patrick Jeski

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