42B Goodspeeed Airport East Haddam, CT Fly in 8/26 11AM ET (note location change )


Join the Beech Aero Club for a trip and get your weekend started early.

Friday 8/25 12 PM at 42B Goodspeed airport East Haddam, CT

(Note location change due to Block Island state of emergency.)




note that there is no fuel on the airport so come prepared.


lunch  place TBD as there are several walking distance into town.


please respond if coming so we can get a head count.
I plan to be on Block Island, Rhode Island on Friday August 25, 2023 for the weekday fly-in. 

This is an experiment.

Thank you Rob Staab for organizing it.


anybody want to pick me up in KMTP for this?  @rkittine ?  @mouseflyer? -- either that or I'm swimming.  (JK - )  Bob (kittine) - you have a tie-down in MTP, can get the (ridiculous) landing fees waived, right?  

LMK -- I don't mind sitting right seat......... :)  
Due to a line of thunderstorms looking to hit 42B Goodspeed airport (an airport with multiple obstructions and no Instrument approaches.) I am pushing the flyin back to Saturday at 11AM.


Hopefully this works out for all.
The weather forecast has been changing from day to day. I just got out of the hospital and I am in Manhattan, so I could not have made it to Good Speed tomorrow, but I might be able to on Saturday. Dan, I will reach out to you about it.

Due to weather slow to clear to the North, arrival time has been extended from 11am to 1pm ET. 

I will be there early and hope to see some musketeers.
After days of the weather liar trying to ruin things it turned into a gorgeous day 


Mostly clear skies with almost no wind.


Goodspeed was attended by


Tom Corcoran (Sundowner)

Robert Staab (Super Musketeer)