2nd European BAC Fly-In Germany


Level Cruise
We organized another Fly-In in the heart of Europe, in Breitscheid EDGB, Germany.

Again, it was only a small gathering despite the fact that we published it in several online calendars as well as in the print version of one of the biggest flying magazines of Germany. Almost all of the BACers from last year couldn't make it this year due to vacation or other reasons.

Anyway, it finally did exactly what it says on the tin. We made new friends and had a lot of time to chat about our planes and other aviation related topics.

Rickmer and his wife Kathrin flew in from Reichelsheim EDFB in about half an hour and Elke and myself are based in Elz EDFY just 10 minutes away. The longest flight was done by Jan, he is based in Buochs LSZC, Switzerland and even arrived a day early! 

We have picked this airfield not only because it is Rickmer's and my favored mechanic with his shop Fit2Fly located here but also because there is a very good restaurant and even a small hotel on the field! So we decided to plan for a 2-day-event.

Michael and Klaus just bought a Sierra in Sweden and their plane was still in the shop so they arrived by car!

After the afternoon with cool drinks and little snacks we had a great dinner in the evening all together until the sun came down.

After a good rest we met for breakfast before Michael had to hit the road again and we took off to show Jan and his HB-EHS a nice little airfield in Hoexter EDVI to enjoy the best home-made cake in the area.

Below there are some impressions - all members agreed on the plan to do it again with an overnight next year. We will look for an airfield with restaurant and hotel again, we have already some options in mind...


Great job Peter!  Looks like you have truly made us an International Club. Lots of smiling faces and a commitment to continue again next year. What more could you ask for. Well Done all!
Thanks Jeff!

I'm in Calgary presently, leaving for OSH tomorrow morning with Rich and his C182 from High River.

Do we meet each other there?
Unfortunately I will not be at AirVenture this year.  I went to Sun n Fun instead this year.  I will be at BACFest in Oshkosh though in September and at Beech Party at the Beechcraft Heritage Museum in October.  Hopefully we will catch up at one of those.
Could you send me a PT report? I need member attendees first and last names, Home Base, Did they fly themselves or arrive another way? Who was the host?



Great writeup Peter, and fantastic photos.  Good to see you at OSH recently, albeit briefly it seems.  Hope y'all do make BACFest 2023 in OSH in Sept.

Thanks for sharing.